Programming Absolutely Needed

I’m going through some of their tutorials now, so far they seem decent. I’ve been mainly doing the super intro ones, like really what is UV or normal maps etc. Also some on 3d . I made the dumpster. But the packback is kicking my butt. I can’t free hand it like that. Box modeling method for me I think!

Hello again xD Subscribed on Digital Tutors, they seem to be very good, going through UE4 tutorials right now. But there is one thing bugging me when I’m working; illumination. Do I have to place a light everywhere I need light when I’m working? I’m looking for a function that automatically illuminates everything, so it’s all bright, and when I’m done with all the building I can turn it off and then work on the lights? Is this possible? :smiley:

Hi Nima0041,

You can render the scene without lights by using the “view mode” button in the editor window.

You can select the “Unlit” mode to have no lights in the scene. When you hit “play” this will not affect your lights in your scene. This only affects the editor.


Thank you!

I would recommend going onto the youtube channel and going through all of the tutorials (not the community tutorials but everything else for the time being). What you want to do as a designer is constantly work within the editor, and when you have to learn something outside of it like in 3DSM or Maya or Blender, then you would do that then. Get a feel for the UE4 editor and understand the concepts that the editor offers, and then start on the community tutorials after all the other videos are done as they mostly cover interesting/specific things that can be done in the editor.

Its always good to know how to program, but in your case you might want to just focus on getting really good at their blueprint editor, which is their visual scripting environment in UE4; learn about PHAT (their physics asset toolkit), try out Matinee to get a nice view on how it works, try out Cascade to get a nice feeling for how to create a simple particle, try out Persona which is a tool in UE4 for animating a character, and try out ART (animation and rigging toolkit) for Maya. By the way you can get all Autocad products for free as a student.

The goal of the above is to get a very high overview of what the editor can do, like trying out the vehicle system thats in UE4, and perhaps the speedtree system coming soon. Having that overview, you should be quite good at blueprints at that point, you should understand well at that point what a texture is, what a material is, how to make a basic material from a texture, how to use materials from blueprints, even how to use blueprints in a networking scenario.