Problem replicating a scene component.

I have no idea, is the projectile spawning just in the wrong direction? Or not at all? What did you change that made it no longer work?

I changed the character.
The old character use the Manequin Skeleton.
This character use the Mixamo Skeleton and the anim instance too, i have a lot of new animations and BlendSpaces.

If it was working, and all you did was change the mesh and skeleton, maybe it’s just a naming mistake among the bones/sockets somewhere. Names have to be an exact match, case sensitive too I believe.

i will check it.
I want to thank you for try to help me and for your time.
I really appreciate it.
i almost became crazy this last two days looking for a solution.
You Rock!! :heart:

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Hi @SteveRambo

I continue with the problem.
I want to tell you this in case you have any ideas.
I think the problem is related to the animations.
I mean, my previous character had a idle animation with his hands on the gun.
(In shooting position).
So when he attaches a weapon there is no movement in his hands.
So maybe I had this problem before and I didn’t realize it.

In my new character, the idle animation the position of the hands point to the ground.
I have noticed that when attaching the weapon it occurs in the idle animation.
At that moment the gun points at the ground.
Then another animation happens and he gets into shooting position.

What is happening is that on the server side the weapon position is the idle animation and is not updated until the server sees the client.
On the client side the weapon position is updated instantly.

So I think there are animations that don’t run on the server side because no one can see it (To save resources I guess).

My theory is that if I can get the animations to run on the server side as well then the weapon position is synchronized on both sides.

Do you know how I can do that?

Thank you so much!!

I was right

I’m not really sure, I’ve never seen that before. With default settings, that shouldn’t really happen though as far as I know. The first thing that comes to mind is that the variables in the event graph you are using aren’t replicated. (variables in the animation blueprint aren’t usually replicated, it’s the ones you get in the event graph from other classes that are usually replicated and then saved into the animBP variables.)

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I have checked it, I have the same values for the server and the client in the anim instance. The states machine should be executed without problems in both worlds. Just the animations are no playing.

I expected someone to tell me that something is simply badly configured.
It looks like some perfromance setting…

But now I’m starting to think that it can be a engine bug. Which is even worse.

A last we know what is happening (more o less).

Anyway. Thank you so much for your help!! :heart:

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@SteveRambo Solved this problem:

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