Problem referencing another blueprint

For some reason I can’t open the Help Project. I’ve tried loading it as its own project and I also tried simply adding the blueprints to my project in another folder. Neither works.

Could you show me a screenshot of your MyCharacter variable?

the first screenshot shows all the added content to the BP_MyCharacter blueprint. it’s the event graph. The second screenshot shows all the content in the BP_WinMenu Widget blueprint event graph.
I don’t know what else to show, that’s all there is to it.

If you right click the file HelpProject.uproject, do you get something like “Generate project files” ? I don’t quite remember how it was on pc.


Sorry… there’s nothing inside a variable is there? God I’m too new to this :stuck_out_tongue: What type of variable is the MyCharacter variable? Object blueprint?
I thought by creating a blueprint reference function I didn’t have to use a blueprint variable. Maybe I have to use both and combine them together?

The BP_MyCharacter object that was created when the game started, it can be referenced by many variables in other blueprints. You could have a lot of other blueprints with a variable of type BP_MyCharacter referencing (or pointing) to that same object. That way it can be accessed from many places.

The primitive variables (float, name, vector, etc) however work in a different way, they are not pointers to objects and just hold the values.

So here in the marked part, I’m making the MyCharacter variable (of type BP_MyCharacter) of the widget point to my character object. If I don’t set it, it will be empty/invalid.

Then the widget can work with the variable because it is pointing to an object.

I think my problem might be that I’m trying to do this across too many blueprints :stuck_out_tongue: Ok I’ll see if I can get the Set action to work.

So the part that confuses me is how do you SET a variable that exists in another blueprint?
The variable “MyCharacter” is inside the widget. But you SET it when you call the widget. How do you do that? Normally to SET a variable I hold ALT and drag it into the Event graph but if the variable is inside the widget, I can’t ALT drag it into the other blueprint’s event graph.

drag from the Create Widget node return value.

OMG! Thank you :stuck_out_tongue: lol


what is self? is this in the graph of the SaveGameBP?

also for your help project if I right click I only get the option to Generate Visual Studio project files but it doesn’t work cause there’s no code associated with the project.

Save Game BP is a variable I created inside the Widget that is referencing the BP_SaveGameActor. I figured “self” meant that it is targeting the variable within the widget.

I think there’s something missing in this documentation:

According to this documentation, in order to communicate to another blueprint all I have to do is Create a variable of Object type and point to my desired BP. Then I give the variable a name (in my case SaveGameBP) and then make it editable by clicking the open eye.

The problem is when I set the variable I can’t target self (should work since I already pointed to the BP I want when creating it) and I can’t pick the BP in the drop down list (its empty) even though I’ve opened the variable for editing. I don’t know how else I’m supposed to set the stupid thing.