Problem importing apex cloth

It’s not working for me :frowning: i tried painting it to a skin weight of 0.001 and when I exported the mesh and apex file unreal still doesn’t read it

oh god hahaha I really though I should be flooding the skin weights first ugh ahahahah

already got it working with the solution that you’ve posted. I hope that this bug will be resolved in the next version of unreal. Thanks!

already got it working! thanks :smiley: I really do hope that this will get fixed in the next version of unreal.

Hi AlsoEntuna,

Thanks for following up on the issue and I’m glad you have it resolved. There’s no way for us to fix this since it is an issue with the PhysX 3.4 plugin that Nvidia makes. When you export with a lot of 0 painted cloth weights, the .apx exports no simulated data.

Hey, sorry to jump on such a long thread, but I’m having a similar problem and even upon setting my max distance to .001 the cloth is still breaking when i apply it.

Any ideas?

I got here looking for a solution to my apex/badnormals problem. But I have a workaround to your problem:

in resume you must export first from ClothinToolProfile.exe, import on unreal, export again from 3ds max, and click refresh on unreal.

here the detailed steps:

-run ClothinToolProfile.exe
-import cloth mesh
-switch to max distance
-flood with 0,10
-switch to “Single Layered Cloth” tab and “save asset”

-open unreal and import the new .apx file to your cloth mesh (the cloth will fall)

-open 3ds max, select the cloth, export OVERWRITING the apx you saved before from ClothinToolProfile

-open unreal, click the refresh button again to reload the apex file. done.

after you have the cloth working on unreal, you don’t have to do all this again, just exporting from max will do the job.

if everything worked fine, now you just have my “bad normals” problem
apex is kind of bad right? hope someday the awesome guys at epic will come with a new cloth system =)

hope this helps =)

Try flooding with 1 or a higher fraction. I chose .001 as it was such a small number, but it might just be too small.

Please report all of this to Nvidia or chime in on any existing threads on their website. This is an NVIDIA plugin, not one of ours.