Prevent the editor from launching the launcher?

i have removed “\Engine\Extras\UnrealEngineLauncher”.
and then deleted “EpicGamesLauncher.exe” .
and it worked

I hate launcher when I have to restart engine every time because of crashes. Please do not make it start automatically.

Hey all, I’ve added a pull request for an option in Editor Preferences to disable loading the launcher on startup. Add your voice here if you want it:

A Simple non destructive method to stop the launcher from running is just make a bat file with text “exit” in it. go to an online bat to exe converter site.upload your bat file and download the exe. move the downloaded exe to the launcher location and rename it.
Thats it no problem with engine not saving project or compiling the source and all that.

Haha just uninstall the launcher. It works fine that way. If you want anything the launcher has to offer, just find it and download it from the site. No coding, no workarounds, no bat-to-exe. Simple Windows.

Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Binaries\Win64

rename epicgameslauncher.exe to 123.exe

I think this is a very graceful approach. Old functionality is still there and the added ability to turn off the launcher with a simple command-line switch is presented. Nay-sayers probably just don’t like the idea of having to compile source.

On a side-note, this code was migrated to EditorEngine.cpp (that’s where I found it in 4.10).

Thanks for the snippet!

It’s amazing we still don’t have an official way to disable this launcher (that no one asked for, I was happy downloading new version from UDK webpage, but still…).

It’s like the silly think of changing the language without asking anything to the user. I still don’t know why Epic does this things.

How can be so hard for Epic to add an option to disable the auto-start up from the launcher? Is the launcher so powerful? Maybe the launcher have superpower? Maybe we have to start developing games with the launcher instead of UE4, as it seems to have more power than the UE4 itself!


P.D. Please, stop doing weird things and add an option to disable auto-start up of the launcher. I have to start the engine around 15 times the launcher every day for work reasons, and I’m starting to hate the launcher.

This silly launcher is seriously annoying, especially if you are a developer and have to restart the editor constantly. A good way to teach people to hate your tools. Can we get an option in the editor to disable this thing, please??

(Renaming it, having to patch the Editor or the Perforce hack are not really a solution - this annoyance shouldn’t have been there in the first place. If you really must, start it once and then let the user to disable it!).

Didn’t work. I had to change “C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Binaries\Win64\EpicGamesLauncher.exe”. Now things load MUCH faster!
Note: If you ever run the launcher, it figures out what you did to stop it and you’ll have to rename the exe again.

In 4.11 it is in Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Private/EditorEngine.cpp line 456. I am astounded that Epic won’t allow an editor option for disabling this.

Quicker fix (Windows). In the ‘regedit’ there’s a key under ‘HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/com.epicgames.launcher/shell/open/command’. Delete the default key there. No need to re-compile or anything like that.

But it’s required to do it after each launcher launch. Maybe someone can script it somehow and execute that key delete from time to time.