Possibly to shake entire world from POV (not CameraShake)

Thank you for this, it was a big help getting me in the right direction. The UEFN documentation is either outdated or just wrong and doesnt work.

For anyone else wondering… this is how I did it:

You need to go to “Place Actors” and put the “Camera Shake Source Actor” item onto your map.
The shaking effect will be centered around this device. You can set the distance to affect the area, or the whole map. This is the “Attenuation” settings

Create a Blueprint, use the search to select “CameraShakeBase” (not a building prop).
Double click it to get into the CameraShake settings and set the shake amount/duration.

Create a level sequence, double click it to enter the timeline.
Click “Track +” > “Actor to Sequencer” and search for your “CameraShakeSourceActor” you placed on your map
Add a keyframe to the timeline to start the shake

Now you need to place a “Cinematic Sequence Device” and click it, go to Details pane and make sure its linked to the CameraShake sequence you just made (drag the CameraShake sequence onto the Details pane > User Options > Sequence). Whenever this sequencer is triggered, it will play the CameraShake sequence, shaking the screen.

Now in order to start the Sequencer, you can use a regular trigger or button, a timer, or any number of ways to start it. I personally just used a timer “on success” fuction because i need the shake to happen at a specific time. if you wanted it to happen when a player entered a specific area you could use a trigger or even a mutator zone. hell even entering a vehicle. there are many many ways to trigger your Cinematic Sequence.

Hopefully this will help anyone in the future looking to do a CameraShake while maintaining the original POV and not switching to another camera view. Great for earthquakes and other events where you dont want to affect the players POV