Populating empty LiDAR point cloud

Hey @GIS_UE5 ,

I created an example project four you. There are currently bugs with LiDAr or maybe some of the functions are intendend for another use I was not capable of to find out.


  1. InsertPoints or InsertPoint do add points but without color. Maybe you have to initialize the PointCloud again after that, but didn’t work
  2. A imported PointCloud always told me about changes and had to remove everything or kept the points but they were then all over the place, without me changing anything. A “feature” I don’t like :smiley:
  3. You can not connect a multiply node to a MakeLidarPointCloudPoint node

So here is the project. 2 blueprints called BP_PointCloudV1 and BP_PointCloudV2. V1 lets you change a PointCloud with new points. V2 lets you create a totally new PointCloud.

LiDAR.zip (831.1 KB)

