Hey @GIS_UE5 ,
I created an example project four you. There are currently bugs with LiDAr or maybe some of the functions are intendend for another use I was not capable of to find out.
- InsertPoints or InsertPoint do add points but without color. Maybe you have to initialize the PointCloud again after that, but didn’t work
- A imported PointCloud always told me about changes and had to remove everything or kept the points but they were then all over the place, without me changing anything. A “feature” I don’t like
- You can not connect a multiply node to a MakeLidarPointCloudPoint node
So here is the project. 2 blueprints called BP_PointCloudV1 and BP_PointCloudV2. V1 lets you change a PointCloud with new points. V2 lets you create a totally new PointCloud.
LiDAR.zip (831.1 KB)