This plugin will provide physical based projectils, which can be used for any weapon.
ToDo: add links
This plugin will provide a base to implement abilities like teleporting, fire balls, telekinesis …
This plugin provides the interfaces that makes it possible to use any ability or attack, which will be controlled by the player. Additionally these interfaces can also be used to integrate existing implementations of weapons or abilities from other packs like Character Interaction, Character Skills, Third Person Shooter Kit…
Hoid AI is a plugin, which is based on the boid equations from Craig Raynolds. The implementation is done in C++ for performance reasons to simulate a huge crowd of enemies (goal is 500 AI agents at once). The first implementation will be used for zombies with root motion animations but I’m pretty sure the base system can be extended to further enemy types likes flying bots, other melee based creatures …
ToDo: add links
This plugin will be open source as it is based on Advanced Locomotion System and will integrate the neccessary extensions to provide a nice horde player controller.
ToDo: add links
Will be the plugin, which takes care of the health (armor, stamina, health, …) of the game characters like the player, enemies or anything else that needs health.
ToDo: add links
It’s obvious that every survival game needs stealth abilities right? So this will be the plugin, which brings this ability into the framework.
ToDo: add links