Plugins: Gesture Recognizers & Look At Movement Component

Hey team,

I don’t open my project with this plugin. My version is 4.8, it is maybe normal ?

Gonna try compiling your lookat plugin for 4.9 we’ll see what happens

Thanks for your great staff!But it may not be compatible with ue4.9…Could you please make a compatible version?Thanks!

I’ll try to get a 4.9 version compiled this week some time. I’m traveling, so I probably won’t be able to do the Windows binaries until the weekend (my travel laptop is a Mac), but I’ll try to at least get the Mac/iOS/Android binaries compiled in the next day or two.

Thank you for that!I’m really looking forward to it right now!

This is just what I have been looking for, this should allow for a free moving swipe camera for let’s say a RTS / top down view game. Can’t wait for the 4.9 version as I have been searching for this for quite some time.

Thanks for sharing this and keep up the great work.

Is there any update on 4.9 now?Thanks very much!

How do I know if the pinch is in ( ← → ) or out ( → ← )? I’m trying to make a “pinch to zoom”.

Thanks for sharing this.

Really nice work.

I’ve managed to run it in 4.8 and 4.9 but I’m scratching my head with 1 issue.

If I want 0 delay (just to detect single taps) then I suppose I would use the InstantTapRecogniser.

The problem is, it seems no different from a touch pressed and touch released event (built in to the engine’s core)

I think there must be something I am missing, but currently, I can’t see what these events offer if I have to go and implement my own logic to determine tap (just with the engine’s core touch pressed and touch released events)

I’ll try to get a 4.9 version compiled this week some time. I’m traveling, so I probably won’t be able to do the Windows binaries until the weekend (my travel laptop is a Mac), but I’ll try to at least get the Mac/iOS/Android binaries compiled in the next day or two.

Hey , any news on a 4.9 version of the gestures plugin? Maybe I’m missing something simple but I can’t get these to work in 4.9, though they did work in 4.8 and they were amazing. In 4.9.2 on OSX it says it needs to be recompiled.

Thanks for these by the way!

Hey, any updates on this ? I can use it fine on 4.9 in the editor but get the following when trying to launch to an android device.

…Plugins\MobileGestureRecognizerPlugin\Intermediate\Build\Android\UE4\Inc\MobileGestureRecognizerPlugin\MobileGestureRecognizerPlugin.generated.cpp(9,9) : fatal error: ‘MobileGestureRecognizerPlugin.generated.dep.h’ file not found

LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: #include "MobileGestureRecognizerPlugin.generated.dep

I checked and the MobileGestureRecognizerPlugin.generated.dep.h file does exist at the location it says it can’t find it at.

So, I’m not entirely sure what the best way to support multiple engine versions with a plug in for those people who are using Blueprint. I can compile binaries of the plugins for different platforms, but it appears that compiled plugins are version-specific. If I compile for a new version, we lose support for old version. We’re currently using these on a 4.8 project that hasn’t been upgraded, so if I convert the plugin to 4.9, it breaks for us. Not sure what the answer is.

One solution for those who really need it is to install Visual Studio / Xcode and add an empty class to your project. That will set up your project to compile using UBT and should cause it to generate those missing headers. Not ideal, I realize.

OMG, thank you very much! It helped us a lot! You are awesome :smiley:

It’s really cool, thank you very much!

Hi, is it possible that the links give me 403 error? Are you still sharing this? in special the gesture recognition
Thanks anyway, seems really cool.

EDIT: i’m sorry i didn’t see the github link. Thanks!

thanks a lot

thanks a lot , but links are not working like,

Download Link:
can u please update it

Can this plugin recognize template gestures? For example triangle or circle?

Was it added in the engine ?