Plugins Documentation - (Really) Final Answer?

Documentation for Plugin Samples to cover Plugin API.

Ok so far all I’ve read is:

“There isn’t one, just have a look at the examples provided”.

Well, that sounds like mega-poor for a platform like UE? One is forced to randomly walk into some random plugin and search for relatively similar functionality to copy and paste in your codebase?
Failing to do that spending 96 hours helplessly trying to stack-overflow it or using the UE forums which is always out of date with the most similar answer date somewhere mid-2016…

Really, how come there isn’t anything better than that?

I know most code is c++ so you can literally do whatever you want with it so there isn’t such a “plugin API” but things like: packages creation/save, big question mark unexplained in any documentation, widgets for plugins, maybe explained somewhere else but can’t really pinpoint where actually, nor what to actually look for…

Again instead of just try your luck copying an existing sample how come there isn’t a single sample of a basic plugin available in the official documentation?
