[Plugin] Web UI framework plugin ()

If you fully inherit the keyboard into the HUD component, you will need to be careful to detach with a click event (or make the HUD component look for the key you used to open it). If you forget to restore the event, then you will completely lose your keyboard. Just a heads-up.

<select> tag

Yo ! I know you’ve missed seeing me around these parts haha! I’ve gone back to HUD/UI work in my game, and I have noticed that <select> tags don’t seem to be working with the version of QT you are using. It says they are supported on the html5 website, but it just displays the first item in the dropdown list. Clicking on the dropdown doesn’t actually drop it down for selection. Not really a big deal, but I was wondering if you had a solution for it? If not, I’ll just rewrite my portion and use JavaScript/CSS.

Hello, is an awesome plugin! I use it, and it works to get html5 surfaces on an oject, but i have some problems to realize keybord and mouse inputs. I try to build the bluprint model on the wiki, but i don’t have the option to make a cast to vaquoleuicomponent blueprint. Can somebody help me, please?

Hi ,

I’ve used plug-in brilliantly on my pc setup, but i’m trying to make it run on my mac now. When I load it into my project and try to compile it it can’t find “AllowWindowsPlatformTypes.h” and won’t build - I assume it won’t find “HideWindowsPlatformTypes.h” either if it gets there. Any ideas where I can find these files and where I should put them when I do? (Are they windows specific?).

Also - and I expect is down to me not knowing what i’m doing - Xcode can’t actually locate anything in the ‘ThirdParty’ folder. (if i comment out the AllowWindowsPlatformTypes.h line it stops at the “VaQuolePublicPCH.h” line).

Thanks so much for your great work - let me know if I can donate anything.



How to create a HUD responds to mouse clicks pressing left mouse redirects to a page

compile for IOS / Mobile? Or is it only for Windows deployment?

Thanks guys! Sick plugin!

Anyone got a windows 7 build for 4.4?

Yes any version of windows supported W7 32\64 W8 32\64

I got most of it working atlteast…but i ran into a small problem. I’m using the example.html as my main menu for testing purposes but for some reason i cant get click event working.

Also i tried using a simple webpage like google.com and it loads just fine and keyboard works but i cant click anything any solution ?

I have analog problem and RESIZE crash unreal engine 4.4

What am i suppose to do ? I try opening simple webpages like google it loads just fine i just cant click anything …

I have exactly the same problem

Do anyone happen to know if is likely to change at some point?


Ignore post - I followed the link to the ‘Latest Version’ on the page’s wiki - It was a link to an earlier version.

Just leaving the post up for posterity. Having some stupid QT plugin problems though.


Anyone know how to get to work on 4.4.3? I’ve just started re-making my project (don’t ask) and did it with 4.4.3 but the VaQuole plugin won’t compile. I’ve fixed all the ‘OVERRIDE’ has been deprecated, use ‘override’ (by changing case) but there’s still these compile problems:

line fails with - error C2027: use of undefined type ‘UConsole’
bool bResult = (ViewportConsole ? ViewportConsole->InputKey(ControllerId, Key, EventType, AmountDepressed, bGamepad) : false);

line fails with - see declaration of ‘UConsole’
class UConsole* ViewportConsole;

And fails with - error C2227: left of ‘->InputKey’ must point to class/struct/union/generic type
bool bResult = (ViewportConsole ? ViewportConsole->InputKey(ControllerId, Key, EventType, AmountDepressed, bGamepad) : false);

Is it just another deprecated function problem?

Cheers all.


I will check it out.

Any plans to roll out for 4.5.0?

Hi all.

Can anyone share demo project fro hud draw, becouse i can’t draw anything on hud.

Is ok? Didn’t he post something about having ill health? If so, get well soon buddy.

make sure that you use the VaQuoleUIViewportClient.

Just change “InverseSafe” to “Inverse” in VaQuoleSceneUIComponent.cpp.