Thank you very much for your answer.
I just purchased the plugin and will start learning to use it.
I work in c++, so no need for a BP node as far as i’m concerned, as long as it’s possible in cpp.
But of course, a BP node is always welcome, as it will benefit more people.
Thanks !

I didn’t have the time to look into this yet, but the data is always stored into a *.db file within the Saved folder.

That would be whatever runtime directory the Paths::ProjectSavedDir() points at runtime.

DB_FILE = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(FPaths::ProjectSavedDir() + GetNameSanitized() + FString(TEXT(".db")));

All right, fine.
No hurry on my side at all.
Working directly with db files is perfect.
Just a very candid question.
If i need more granularity (say create multiple light saves for various levels, or even saving a separate character or object for exchange), is it possible to duplicate a db at runtime ?
For example, copy and rename the db file, then use some new configuration to connect to the new file ?
The idea would be to create a few template dbs, and then use them directly as saves, complete or partial.
That would make manipulating saves very easy, just a matter of moving files.

Hello All,

New to the plugin and community, so pardon my newbie’ness. I have combed through all that I can find on documentation, YouTube and even the demo project :slight_smile: However, I am running into a few functionality I would like to do and not sure how to do so. Any help is greatly appreciated!

I have a database that has an integer value and that is linked to a variable and working well on run one, it gets a value assigned. I would like to then query the database column and find the max value, return that and increment it by one then run a function and set that.

I thought I could use the [Database] Execute Command: SQL node, use this SQL: “SELECT MAX(TransactionID) from DB_Transactions;” then get back the max value and then add 1 to it. But no such luck.

Any ideas?

If you have more details on what you’re trying to achieve I can add extra BP nodes to help with that.

I’m just still waiting for Epic to actually release the 5.2 plugin.

The plugin for Unreal 5.4 was submitted a few days ago and it’s waiting for review.