[PLUGIN] RadiantUI SDK - UIs, HUDs, Interactive WebViews - HTML5/Javascript/CSS

Show and Hide is what I recommend. If you do want to create and destroy elements this does have the side effect of being expensive in terms of setup/teardown costs and there is some delay in the web engine painting the initial view. Let me know if this is something you want to have.

I have no idea why that would be disabled… What kind of project is it, blueprint?

Nevermind, it seems to have come back now. UE just being weird…

Cool, no worries, it makes sense that it’d be somewhat expensive, thanks :slight_smile:

Sorry to keep posting stupid questions in this thread…

So I’ve got a HTML document working in my map. It currently has a webm video playing on a loop embedded in the page - however, the looping functionality of the video doesn’t seem to work in-engine. If I view the page in Chrome/Firefox, the video plays fine and loops correctly.

Is this an known issue with Radiant?

Not with Radiant but it might be with the Chromium Embedded Framework (the web engine that radiant uses to render pages). I’ll see if I can find anything.

I stumbled on this: google chrome - HTML5 video will not loop - Stack Overflow

But I don’t know if that’s relevant or not…

Has anyone been able to recompile the plugin with the new 4.3 update?

I seem to be having issues and wanted to see if it was just me.
I converted my uproject file, generated visual studio project files, then tried to rebuild.
It’s spitting out a lot of errors.

Some changes between 4.2.1 and 4.3.
I’m sure will update it shortly.

In the meantime…


~line 60:

            RHISetRenderTarget(RenderTarget->GetRenderTargetTexture(), FTexture2DRHIRef());
            RHISetViewport(0, 0, 0.0f, RenderTarget->GetSizeXY().X, RenderTarget->GetSizeXY().Y, 1.0f);


            SetRenderTarget(RHICmdList, RenderTarget->GetRenderTargetTexture(), FTexture2DRHIRef());
            RHICmdList.SetViewport(0, 0, 0.0f, RenderTarget->GetSizeXY().X, RenderTarget->GetSizeXY().Y, 1.0f);

~line 90:

            RHICopyToResolveTarget(RenderTargetResource->GetRenderTargetTexture(), RenderTargetResource->TextureRHI, true, FResolveParams());


            RHICmdList.CopyToResolveTarget(RenderTargetResource->GetRenderTargetTexture(), RenderTargetResource->TextureRHI, true, FResolveParams());

RadiantWebViewActor.cpp & RadiantWebViewHUD.cpp:
Find and remove / comment out :

    bWantsInitialize = true;

Need to include StaticMeshResources.h.

#include "RadiantWebViewInputComponent.h"
#include "StaticMeshResources.h" // Add this.
#include "RadiantWebViewActor.generated.h"

class URadiantWebViewInteractionComponent;

That should at least allow you to compile everything.

Ah good to know!.. I think I’ll just stay on 4.2.1 for now until a proper update comes online.


RadiantSDK Beta 4 Released - Adds UE 4.3 Support

Hey guys I’ve released a new beta version. This fixes the deadlocks/freezes people were having and upgrades the SDK to UE 4.3.

To download it login to the RadiantSDK store and goto your downloads section.

NOTE: SDK Beta 4 is not compatible with UE 4.2.1

Can confirm that this is working nicely with 4.3 source.
Can also confirm that the pointer works with Oculus Rift VR (look and click).

I added to the source where occurs (gamepad in VR mode).

I’ve not personally had a chance to test that, but I’m super glad it works.

Hey , having a lot of success with RadiantUI, using it to tie into a server to send and receive some realtime data, it’s so easy it feels like I’m cheating :stuck_out_tongue:

We do have a small issue that I’m not sure you can help with, but we’re using bootstrap.js for a pop-up and it seems to break the transparent rendering in Radiant, so the background is always visible. I’ve tried changing the background of the body and putting all the bootstrap stuff inside another div with it’s own background, but the entire page is still opaque. Here’s a link to the html if it helps. Any ideas? If not, how are you doing the transparent background, maybe I can find a way around whatever bootstrap’s doing and make it transparent…

Edit: So, I tried changing the actual default body background in the bootstrap file to a fully transparent colour, and it seems to have worked…

Well I certainly like to hear that :slight_smile:

Ok. I was going to ask a really really stupid question at first because it wasn’t clear to me if you had enabled transparent rendering at all… although you seemed to imply that it was working before you integrated bootstrap.js. Did this behave differently from Chrome? If so you may be running into a quirk with the CEF rendering engine. I’m glad to hear you found a work-around.

Hey all,

I’m having an issue running $.parseJSON through a callback, when it works perfectly fine inside of a page function. The string parameter it takes is an array, ala “‘bob’,‘jack’]”.
The error is always ‘Unexpected token’ then the first character after the first mark, no matter what the character is. (In the above example, the ‘unexpected token’ would be the ’ mark itself.)
I’m not sure if this is a legitimate bug, or just due to the way the callback handles the incoming string parameter.

Can or anyone else clarify?

I think there might be a couple of places this could be going wrong. If you could paste your callback code where you call the JSON function as well as some pictures of the blueprint graph that’s calling the callback that could be useful. I’d like to see the callback javascript function type and arguments on the blueprint side.

I sat here and took a ton of screenshots and added the javascript code, then I had the wise-*** idea of just changing the incoming single quotes to doublequotes (‘hello’,‘world’] to “hello”,“world”]) and it worked just fine. -_- Sorry!

Good to hear, how do you like it so far?

So far preliminary tests are great. Plug and play functionality, no mucking about with moving files around, etc. I haven’t tested anything in a release/launch build yet so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there won’t be issues.

For the sheer amount of time and effort saved on my part, it’s worth the money. Not to mention the amazing quality of the code and everything else you’ve done to make it easy to integrate into blueprints so well.
I personally hope you destroy CoherentUI singlehandedly because you’re offering an equal if not superior product for a fraction of the cost.