Thanks , I thought it must be something like that. I’ll have a hunt online for some info regarding the binaries and do some some checks and test’s.
hmmmm, I’ve just found a new little thing… sorry. I’ve been trying to work up a test on my iPhone 5s. cleaned up my scene, its a bare bones of what the game would use. Verify, fix texture’s to power of two (big issue on iOS apparently???) and been going through and testing and diagnosing through Xcode/instuments/ device’s and simulators etc
I’m getting a crash when I go from the main menu screen to the first playable level, I’ve already checked and fixed zombies, nothing is being flagged there.
The crash is a repeated exc_crash (sigabbt) … ‘crash on thread 6’. looking at that thread I get this.
Thread 6 Crashed:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x000000018199d2e0 __pthread_kill + 8
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000181b3e288 pthread_kill$VARIANT$mp + 376
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x000000018190bd0c abort + 140
3 endlesstemplehunter 0x0000000100c5e0d8 0x100708000 + 5595352
4 endlesstemplehunter 0x0000000100e14e98 0x100708000 + 7392920
5 endlesstemplehunter 0x0000000100dc89c0 0x100708000 + 7080384
6 endlesstemplehunter 0x0000000101012cd4 0x100708000 + 9481428
7 endlesstemplehunter 0x0000000101007b80 0x100708000 + 9436032
8 endlesstemplehunter 0x00000001010070ac 0x100708000 + 9433260
9 endlesstemplehunter 0x000000010101cd7c 0x100708000 + 9522556
10 endlesstemplehunter 0x000000010101b65c 0x100708000 + 9516636
11 endlesstemplehunter 0x000000010102352c 0x100708000 + 9549100
12 endlesstemplehunter 0x0000000101022868 0x100708000 + 9545832
13 endlesstemplehunter 0x00000001010263ec 0x100708000 + 9561068
14 endlesstemplehunter 0x0000000101204794 0x100708000 + 11519892
15 endlesstemplehunter 0x0000000101202170 0x100708000 + 11510128
16 endlesstemplehunter 0x00000001020a5f3c 0x100708000 + 26861372
17 endlesstemplehunter 0x00000001020a2a70 0x100708000 + 26847856
18 endlesstemplehunter 0x00000001020a4210 0x100708000 + 26853904
19 endlesstemplehunter 0x00000001017cd068 0x100708000 + 17584232
20 endlesstemplehunter 0x0000000100c0e4b4 0x100708000 + 5268660
21 endlesstemplehunter 0x00000001012a29f4 0x100708000 + 12167668
22 Foundation 0x0000000182961efc NSThread__start + 1040
23 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000181b3d220 _pthread_body + 272
24 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000181b3d110 _pthread_body + 0
25 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000181b3bb10 thread_start + 4
seems very nondescript and generic - I haven’t been able to find anything online really related or with decent info regarding a fix.
When I open up with instruments/ memory used I’m seeing some stuff happening relating to the plugin.
What im seeing is its loading up the main menu level, then when I tap to play the first level it is failing to find the object pool plugin and crashing.
im running on a 2017 iMac and testing on iPhone 5s. development mode, correct provisions etc, on verify in ue editor I get no issues (yellow text relating to plugin is in the verify log but it just looks like a flag to show that the plugin is being called / used.
playing in the editor works fine, launching to android is fine. no issues.
maybe a reinstall of the plugin, marketplace verify?
not to sure, have you seen this before?
Thanks for you time,