[Plugin] Object Pool Component

I accidentally updated before reading your patch notes. My project no longer works. Is there a place to get the pre-patched version AND/OR can I just rebuild my blueprint nodes?


I’m not sure what changed because I don’t own this plugin, but if the base class name changed in this plugin, try this.

  1. Open Project/Config/DefaultEngine.ini
  2. Add a line under [/Script/Engine.Engine] (or add that section if you don’t have it):
    +ActiveClassRedirects=(OldClassName=“OldClassNameHere”, NewClassName=“NewClassNameHere”)
    Replace OldClassNameHere and NewClassNameHere, obviously.
  3. Save and reopen your project.

PM me your email; I send to you 1.4.2 version.
But to use 1.4.2 you’ll have to have Visual Studio installed with C++ compiler and uninstall plugin from Launcher!

When I try to install this with 4.18.3 I get 4.18.0 as the version of the engine avail. But when I install it I get another plugin entirely!

“FileVersion”: 3,
“Version”: 1,
“VersionName”: “1.0”,
“FriendlyName”: “ObjectPool”,
“Description”: “Adds game ready pool for actors”,
“Category”: “Optimization”,
“CreatedBy”: “”,
“CreatedByURL”: “”,
“DocsURL”: “”,
“MarketplaceURL”: “com.epicgames.launcher://ue/marketplace/content/66efc9b030dc4fbe9523d72b06f43a79”,
“SupportURL”: “”,
“EngineVersion”: “4.18.0”,
“CanContainContent”: true,
“Installed”: true,
“Name”: “ObjectPool”,
“Type”: “Runtime”,
“LoadingPhase”: “Default”,

I’ve never heard of an issue like this with Marketplace before.
Are you still experiencing this?
Did you contact EpicGames about this bug?

I had this issue, too. And it was probably the reason my project would not open after installing and updating the plugin to the latest version. provided me with the previous version which was working with my project and that resolved the issue of the project not opening but not the ‘can’t delete the ‘spawn actor from pool node’’. The latest update to the engine introduced a nasty crash every time I ran the game with the old version of the plugin parsing incorrectly.

So, I finally went back to delete all references to the plugin and start afresh.

The ‘Spawn Actor from Pool Node’ in Blueprint will not delete without crashing the project and editor. So, in order to delete it, I found this workaround:

  • Right-Click ‘Spawn Actor from Pool’ Node
  • Click Collapse to Function
  • Delete Newly Created Function in the My Blueprint Tab at the side

Hope this helps anyone stuck with this issue.

I have not updated plugin to Unreal 4.19 yet!
There’s quite some work needed to make it compatible.

Edit: Update with support for Unreal Engine 4.19 have been submitted for review.

Hey guys total noob at this. Im trying to get this to work with a pre existing blueprint. A projectile. Is there a way someone can do a basic mock up of this along with get the velocity to work since it seems like it ignores the ProjectileMovement component.
Thanks again.

If you look at demo project, there’s a “pooled projectile” component to be used in place of Unreal’s native projectile component.
This is because the native component is designed to be only used by bullets that will spawn and be destroyed, so a custom component there is necessary.

I got my hands on the update! Thanks :slight_smile:

Would you consider fixing these UEdGraphNode::CreatePin compilation warnings? It’s a 4.19 thing :wink:
Nothing criticial, it’s just a lot of spam.

'UEdGraphNode: :CreatePin' : Use version that supplies Pin Category, SubCategory, and Name as an FName and uses PinContainerType instead of separate booleans for array , set, and map. Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.

They changed too many things there.
Just to remove those warnings all custom nodes have to be completely remade, because the new API they are imposing will not work for the exposed on spawn properties, breaking the nodes entirely.

Eventually I will remake the custom nodes, but right now I can’t do it.

[USER=“69”]Just Krishna[/USER] Today I managed to reserve some time for this and I re made the custom spawn nodes to get rid of those annoying warnings on 4.19.

I have to test more in my project(s) to make sure “exposed on spawn” properties aren’t broken, then tomorrow I submit files to Epic.

Many thanks. I’ll grab a new version then :slight_smile:

The update mentioned above is now live on Launcher/Marketplace.

Hey guys I have a pretty odd but right now. After the object pool shoots its orginal pool amount the spawn actors are returned to the pool. However the new projectiles that appear no long cause damage to my enemies. Im not sure what I did wrong. Any help would be massive

Make sure your collisions settings on “Spawn Actor from Pool” nodes are correct.
I had complaints about this before and the issue was that designers was setting spawn options to have collisions settings disabled so the bullets couldn’t hit anything after pooled.

@metalman I’ve updated a little things in the source code and sent new version to Marketplace team for UE 4.18 and 4.19;
Epic process updates in few days…
Hopefully it helps to solve the problem you’ve shown me.

Since you said you’re using overlap events for bullets instead of hit detection, I am not 100% sure this patch will work for you, but let’s see if it helps :slight_smile:

Fixed a little (unreported) bug that was blocking games from loading settings outside UEditor env…
Just submitted * 1.5.2 * version with fix for that.

I should’ve had this on Marketplace page since day one, so my mad; anyways just going to leave this here to make it clear:

***[NOTE]: ***OSX binaries aren’t currently present in this plugin.