[Plugin] Landscape Combinator - A plugin to create real-world landscapes (free for personal use)

Thanks for the comprehensive reply :smiling_face:

About that I think with 5.3 there is something done in that department you can now import big files for landscape and it manages to chunk it as needed…

As for other ideas I thought of those two :

  • making a landscape material somehow aware of the color informations from a satellite imagery : shading and coloring ground and foliage so that from a distance it could simply display the satellite colors, and having it nicely transition to coloring meshes in a coherent way.

But satellite images contains shadowed area so that would be problematic (a side idea would be to use heightmap info with satellite image to reconstruct the shadow map from the heightmap, calibrating the correct sun position to match those two, and use it to somehow cancel those from the image… But with full black areas that would be a challenge)

  • another crazy but fun idea would be to forget about landscape, that is leveraging the huge mega scan library and managing a “landscape 2 mega-assembly” process : using landscape heightmap information, Satellite images color information, reconstructing the landscape by assembling loads of nicely detailed meshes :wink: how fun is that ?

That’s it for those silly ideas.

But the good news is I plan to spend some times with your plugin this Weekend :wink:

Have a nice one !

About that I think with 5.3 there is something done in that department you can now import big files for landscape and it manages to chunk it as needed…

Oh nice you’re right:

We updated landscape import/export to support very large landscapes/resolutions by leveraging World Partition and splitting the import operation into several successive batches.

Then you could try to directly download the tiled heightmaps from here and import them in Unreal:


making a landscape material somehow aware of the color informations from a satellite imagery : shading and coloring ground and foliage so that from a distance it could simply display the satellite colors, and having it nicely transition to coloring meshes in a coherent way.

The landscape material in the plugin supports to have an “Overlay”, which can be satellite imagery, but it has to be downloaded externally (for example using QGis). Then you can set the transparency of the overlay. You could try adding a transition to the material using linear interpolation, between the overlay and the automaterial (using the distance between Absolute World Position and Camera Position).

I’ve added an issue to track this feature: Simplify adding satellite imagery and add distance blend transition · Issue #2 · LandscapeCombinator/LandscapeCombinator · GitHub

another crazy but fun idea would be to forget about landscape, that is leveraging the huge mega scan library and managing a “landscape 2 mega-assembly” process : using landscape heightmap information, Satellite images color information, reconstructing the landscape by assembling loads of nicely detailed meshes :wink: how fun is that ?

Very fun :smiley: But I wouldn’t be sure how to start! Could something perhaps be done using PCG? The plugin has a node to filter out point based on areas of interest in OSM (such as forests). So once the landscape is spawned, in your PCG graph, you spawn trees in the filtered areas, and you can spawn megascans cliffs either from satellite imagery or from the Cliff layer from the landscape automaterial.

By the way now that tesselation is back, you can have the geometry of the texture (for instance a cliff geometry) deform your nanite landscape (without the plugin).


But the good news is I plan to spend some times with your plugin this Weekend :wink:

Cool! Feel free to send me private messages here or on the Unreal Source Discord if you need help with something

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Some new features with Landscape Combinator 0.6.4:

  • Create Decals from satellite images (in LandscapeTexturer and in LandscapeSpawner actors)
  • Support Mapbox for heightmaps and satellite imagery
  • Create a georeferenced world map from the LevelCoordinates actor
  • Support any WMS and XYZ service for downloading heightmaps and satellite imagery
  • Can now specify coordinates for these services using a bounding actor such as a location volume or a cube (you place the bounding actor on the world map, and then reference it in the LandscapeSpawner or LandscapeTexturer or SplineImporter)
  • Spawn landscapes from an actor called LandscapeSpawner instead of a plugin tab (the plugin tab was removed).
  • Importing splines is now done using an actor called SplineImporter
  • Buildings can now be created from splines without interiors, which makes generation much faster when you need to spawn hundreds, or thousands of buildings.
  • A new website for documentation!
  • And plugin is on sale for the holidays :slight_smile: (and still free for personal use)

Documentation: Landscape Combinator — Landscape Combinator documentation
Marketplace: Landscape Combinator in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
GitHub: GitHub - LandscapeCombinator/LandscapeCombinator


I copied and paste the LandscapeCombinator-main folder download from Github directly into the Plugins folder for UE 5.3.2. Enabled the plugin and upon restart I received this message:

What does this mean?



The plugin source code needs to be compiled, but this cannot be done in the Engine folder. You need to put it instead in your project folder: MyProject/Plugins/LandscapeCombinator (and in that folder you should have Content, Source, etc.).
You need to create a Plugins folder if you don’t have one in your project folder.

Happy mapping!


Here’s a new tutorial showcasing the new interface and the new features (Mapbox heightmaps and satellite images are now supported):


Hello…I am trying to run your plugin in UE 5.3.2, but when I copy plugin files as you say 2 posts earlier I got an error and UE don’t run, even maunal rebuilding in Visual Studio don’t help but I am not advanced in this.

When I copy here, at least UE project starts but there is no plugin in plugins…

are there any required Visual studio elements that I should have installed aditionaly ?

Hello! Can you try with a blank C++ project? Looks like your project is Blueprint only?
And can you try by renaming the folder “LandscapeCombinator” instead of “LandscapeCombinator-main”?

Also feel free to join https://discord.gg/4dqbEXkUSv for more direct help.

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Hi there,

I’m having a similar problem. When I extract the plug in to the main UE plugin folder I get the following
Screenshot 2024-07-07 135529

If I create a plugin folder in my project folder but remove it from my main plugin I cannot seem to find the plugin.

I am a complete noob and only a few weeks into learning Unreal. Can you please advice me on how to get this plugin to work?

After I download the zip file from Github, do I need to compile the program if so how? Do I instal the plug in into the main UE plugins folder?

I am a complete noob, but am learning, any advice would be appreciated.

Hello, i just successfully installed the plugin on unreal 5.4.2, having to build the modules mentioned by the same warning message than you; here is a few hints (I am a newbie as well):

On the project Github page download the appropriate release (i used the “LandscapeCombinator-v0.6.5-rc2-UE5.4.zip” archive):

I placed the plugin in my project folder while respecting that hierarchy (i renamed the unpacked archive created folder to “LandscapeCombinator”) :


(I didn’t need to do it but) in your project *.uproject file you can manually add and enable a plugin using this syntax (with or without the final comma depending where you paste that part):

	"FileVersion": 3,
	"EngineAssociation": "5.4",
	"Category": "",
	"Description": "",
	"Plugins": [
			"Name": "LandscapeCombinator",
			"Enabled": true
	"TargetPlatforms": [

To build plugins / modules for your Unreal engine version you may need to install Visual Studio 2022 Community (it’s free) -along the relevant building libraries/tools- and set it all up for use with Unreal engine; I did so a few weeks ago by following that video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQDskHVw1to

Good luck :slight_smile:


It’s basically what @SensiN23 said. Just to add a small thing, you might need to create a C++ project in Unreal Engine 5.4 (instead of a blueprint project) for it to work (not sure).

And there’s a new version v0.7.0 coming, I’ll make a post about it later in the day with a tutorial.

Good luck! And feel free to join Discord if you need more direct help: https://discord.gg/4dqbEXkUSv


I’m releasing today Landscape Combinator v0.7.0 RC1 which adds a new plugin window that makes it easier to spawn landscapes with forests, buildings, satellite images all in one go. It makes it easy to reuse the same configuration for importing several places. I’m open to feedback for this workflow, so feel free to suggest improvements and new features you want to see.

It’s freely available for personal use on GitHub and available for commercial use on the marketplace.




Coming to grips with landscape combinator & how actor tags links various road & building generators. Unfortunately, the version I have has the UI button disabled & asks to place generator actors directly into the project which is somewhat confusing for a newbie. Does the author have a time frame for when the UI buttons will be re-enabled?

Hello! At the moment I don’t plan on adding this UI back, because it is basically duplicating the details panel. Have you had a look at the new example map which in the plugin content? You can put all the “generators” (such as Landscape Spawners, Spline Importers, Buildings From Splines, etc.) in one combination, and generate from there. Let me know if the example map works for you, and if you need more help, I can assist you here or on Discord: Landscape Combinator

hello and congratulations for your work, I would describe here a little this fantastic real-time rendering engine Unreal engine, making fantastic and hyper realistic terrain with deformation tools ok But why not already use the existing data that the satellites have recorded , Dem, Geotiff, srtm, Lidar, point cloud, OSm on precision values ​​of 30m, 90m and there is much more precise data I say yes Finally
Reminds me of VistaPro

Unreal Engne for something other than games I say YES

there would be so many fantastic things to do with unreal engine, archaeology, the study of the impact of climate and the changes on our nature and especially urban planning

but the tools for importing this famous data to visualize them in a hyper-realistic way on something other than lumion, Enscape, terragen
are either too 2d, too Archi, or not very realistic with vegetation and types of plants by continent

Unreal Engine would really be ideal for its display quality, its real-time spirit and the modification of parameters, rising water levels, changes in temperatures, the position of the sun and having the possibility of getting as close as possible to what exists and could becoming would be the BEST

Too much Imagination to feed the imagination is good but there is more to life than video games and I appreciate the programmer’s and Epic’s approach to building an engine that is increasingly focused on the professions that affect us all. .killed people or monsters I believe there are enough crazy people on earth not to add more