[Plugin Discussion] Rama Save System Plugin Thread

Rama Save Project Examples For 5.3 (Plugin Required)

For those of You who have purchased my Save System Plugin already, you can now download a 5.3 project where I demonstrate basic save and load features in a project with lots of commenting!

This project features:

  1. Save and load of simple bool, integer, and color data

  2. A Global Save Actor, and creating it via a Game State Subclass so it loads in every level automatically. You can store any data you want in this Global Save Actor using just two events, Pre Save, and Actor Fully Loaded.

You save and load any aspect of your game, including UI elements or complex interactions between world objects!

  1. Saving and Loading of AI units, including their position, rotation, velocity, and their logic of where they are moving to within the world.

  2. Saving and Loading of inventory, and making the pickup objects in the world reflect their state properly (was this object picked up already?)

