Exactly what I am doing right now, watching a raptor eat kibble… wondering how many files am I going to have to fix so we can make the dino’s eat faster when unconscious… lol
I’m way past “fix”. It doesn’t make sense to un**** the original mod to the new way of doing it. I’ll spin up a whole new mod, and hopefully re-use most of the assets.
I don’t regret the last 48 hours. I learned a lot doing it the hard way in 185 lol.
I may be a noob but I tried to make it so the recipe for the cement paste would yield 3 cement paste instead of 1. I seem to have accomplished this very easily. All I did was I went to the cement paste blueprint and changed the quantity from 1 to 3. Now every time I make a cement paste it would yield 3 instead of 1. It works in the ark play so… did i do it?
But i think the bigger problem here is that you want to make a mod to replace the original engram recipe instead of directly changing it right? In that regard I am useless in that I mainly just changed the blueprint directly rather than making a mod out of it. Hope you guys figure something out soon. XD