Please HELP!! How to Get an Actor Blueprint to send string and event control to Level Blueprint using Event Dispatchers

You mark the blueprint with a breakpoint F9 and a red dot should appear on it in it’s corner.
This will tell unreal to stop running the code once it gets to that node once. F10 goes to next node

You can also hover over outputs to see current values of variables.

I step through code and it goes from calling function in Actor BP to Binding event but then doesn’t go to the custom event “Event4” for some reason

It will only go to event4 when the delegate is called. That is because it’s not going through the exec nodes (the white arrows) but is being hooked into the bind delegate node through the event input.

Thanks that makes it work when I connect with a Begin Play or begin play followed by Delay of 5 seconds but when I make breakpoint for a function that occurs after key press/release I don’t see those big arrows on nodes for debugging,

so the event begins play does the calling event but Q press and release don’t for some reason which is what I want to achieve

You need to set your specific object in the “No debug object selected” dropdown to debug a specific in game actor.

  • press play,
  • pres pause
  • go into blueprint and pick actor name from dropdown if empty
  • wait for breakpoint to trigger

Tried but it just doesn’t execute

Could you be using another q input somewhere that is set to “Consume Input” that is blocking this execution?

Also you only have a print string on press and not release, so nothing will show up as a message in game.

yeah but it should show this icon indicating the stepping through code and the problem is not that Q release isn’t called. I checked with the print string release works fine, but Call OnRecognizeTexts doesn’t
Screenshot 2023-05-21 135018

Does the event dispatcher fire on begin play then or is it not being triggered on both release and begin play.

If so maybe it’s a bug, corruption. Try recreating the dispatcher and hooking it up.

Till now I have tried creating a different evet dispatcher (didn’t work), trigger by begin play+ 5 sec delay (worked but doesn’t matter for implementation), tried triggering at different places in the flow meaning before audio recognize, after or right after Q release. Then I think as per your advice it should be a bug.

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