running as if you are still holding a run button on the keyboard? Could be you need to clear inputs when unpossessing, pretty sure I had some code for that ready years ago let me take a look. * can’t find it immediately I thought it was a method called flush / clear which would be logical on an input component.
That part of controller code is a shitshow at the moment:
[UE5.2.1, Bug report] Controller::Possess broken if Pawn auto possess AI. - #2 by Roy_Wierer.Seda145
*Edit question, why are you not using Possess but OnPossess? What version of UE are you on?
void AController::Possess(APawn* InPawn)
if (!bCanPossessWithoutAuthority && !HasAuthority())
LOCTEXT("ControllerPossessAuthorityOnly", "Possess function should only be used by the network authority for {0}"),
UE_LOG(LogController, Warning, TEXT("Trying to possess %s without network authority! Request will be ignored."), *GetNameSafe(InPawn));
APawn* CurrentPawn = GetPawn();
// A notification is required when the current assigned pawn is not possessed (i.e. pawn assigned before calling Possess)
const bool bNotificationRequired = (CurrentPawn != nullptr) && (CurrentPawn->GetController() == nullptr);
// To preserve backward compatibility we keep notifying derived classed for null pawn in case some
// overrides decided to react differently when asked to possess a null pawn.
// Default engine implementation is to unpossess the current pawn.
// Notify when pawn to possess (different than the assigned one) has been accepted by the native class or notification is explicitly required
APawn* NewPawn = GetPawn();
if ((NewPawn != CurrentPawn) || bNotificationRequired)
OnPossessedPawnChanged.Broadcast(bNotificationRequired ? nullptr : CurrentPawn, NewPawn);