Hi Andrew, any update? If there already is a commit somewhere which fixes this, could you please link it so that I could manually add it to 4.9?
Hey ,
There is no specific changelist or fix for this integration as there were a number of destruction bug fixes implemented which helped clear this issue. With that in mind, I have reached out to them and asked for an update.
A couple of questions:
Are you still experiencing this crash in 4.9.2?
Are you using AMD Raedeon card you mentioned to recently moved to?
Hi Andrew, thanks!
Yes, I am still experiencing this crash in 4.9.2, more than ever before. If you take a look at crash reports you will probably find a few dozen reports where my engine crashed with PhysX crash last few days.
You say there were “a number of destruction bug fixes implemented which helped clear this issue”, so it is marked as fixed now? I don’t use any destructibles at moment when crash appears, only Instanced Static Meshes.
I am using Radeon R9 390 I recently moved to, yes. I can’t play in standalone with it because AMD driver will crash after a few seconds, but PIE works a lot better. Why do you think is it important for this issue? Isn’t PhysX only calculated on CPU?
You will find PhysX FAQ very helpful, when answering your question
UE4 is running PhysX on CPU only. Am I knowing engine better than you? ^^
Why do you link FAQ? Linking FAQ does surely not resolve issue.
It’s also not about UE4s PhysX implementation.
Hey ,
You were correct as UE4 does run on CPU side. Apologies for mistake.
We are still trying to narrow down ability to reproduce this issue on our end, but we do not have enough to generate crash.
When this bug was originally reported, you provided me with a test project. I attempted to upgrade that project to get crash occur in 4.9.2 but haven’t been able to do so.
If you have any sort of way to reproduce this issue, it would be most helpful.
Hi Andrew,
same repro steps which worked in 4.8 still work in 4.9.2. Above you sounded like UE-18808 was marked as fixed, so is it or is it not?
I sent you repro steps in a PM a few months ago, and because of very low saved message limit in forums I had to delete it, but after a bit of trying I still remember it and it crashes editor same in 4.9.2 like in previous versions. Are repro steps not explained within UE-18808 bug report?
Just open project, hit play, press “g”, click and hold left mouse button and move mouse, then release left mouse button (a wall should appear), do same again somewhere else, crash.
hey just found this topic, i have also physx crash, all i needed to do is to take an actor, add physical material with negative friction so it slides and let it move over terrain, after some time it will freeze and then crash.
Hello ,
I just attempted reproducing crash with information you provided, but was unable to do so.
Would you mind providing me with some clear reproducible steps so I can get this to occur in a blank project? Perhaps you can point out where our steps differ.
- Created a new blank blueprint project (no starter content)
- Created new landscape actor (default settings)
- Added large incline on landscape using ramp tool
- Placed three basic sphere actors at top of ramp.
- added a physical material to spheres and landscape and set its friction to a negative value.
- Checked the, ‘Simulate physics’ option for spheres
- Pressed Play in Viewport
Let me know if this is sufficient enough to reproduce crash, and if there are things I can do to get crash to occur.
Hey Andrew, I think crash from is something different since it does not seem to have to use instanced static meshes.
Were you able to reproduce my crash now or why have you marked it as resolved?
Hey Andrew, do you still look into this? You have asked me for repro steps 2 weeks ago and I have not heard anything back from you after I explained to you how to reproduce it.
Hi ,
I apologize for any confusion. PhysX crash reports can be deceptive, and usually there isn’t enough information in them for developers to work with. original issue entered (UE-18808) was marked as a duplicate of another we are more actively tracking (UE-22078). devs have requested a repro case, and I’m making sure that newer report has a link to 4.8 project you provided. I’ll follow up with devs to let them know we have a test case to work with in case they are not already aware.
For right now, bug is unresolved, but I’ll keep an eye on it as well as this post. I will update this post when I see any update, and let you know if devs require any additional information. I appreciate your patience in this matter.
Hi , may I ask about whether there is any update on this yet? I can confirm bug is still in 4.10, and since it’s making my game quite unplayable without any possible workaround I hope it can be fixed in something like a hotfix for 4.10
Unfortunately I have not seen any change in report’s status. I’ll send an email to devs involved and see if I can get a status, or see if they need any additional info, though I cannot guarantee they’ll have anything for me.
Hi , what have devs answered to you? If they could tell me any possible workaround that would already help a lot. At moment game is just crashing all time when placing walls and thats a core element of game, so it’s unplayable. I really need some kind of workaround or fix. Once a fix is available I would merge it myself into 4.10 so even if it won’t be in a hotfix that would not really be a problem.
Hi ,
I never heard back. I’ll ask again. There’s been no update on bug report at this time, and unfortunately I’m not aware of any workaround for issue.
Hi , have devs answered you this time?
Not directly, but bug report was just reassigned. current thought is this is a crash in destruction, and devs are investigating that at moment.
Thanks for update! I think I don’t use any destructibles in project, but maybe with “destruction” you mean “when destructor is executed”?
That’s what I was thinking =)