Physics Handle not grabbing like it is supposed to

Was this ever resolved? I have a similar problem. The first time I grab it works very well. Then after that there is an offset which is roughly the size of the grabbed actor. I tried to adjust the stiffness but that didn’t seem to do much. Is there some kind of position which is stored that needs to be cleared out?

Hey -

The solution for the original issue here was to tweak the Linear Stiffness based on the mass of the actor being grabbed. As pointed out, extremely high values (10,000 in the original issue) are required depending on the situation. If you are having issues with your physics handles, it may be best to create a new post so that your questions aren’t lost within the details of this issue.

Thanks . Yea I tried 10,000 but it didn’t help. I will try a new thread. It seems like when I grab and move my object the transform doesn’t move with the object. So when I re-grab its grabbing where the transform is and not where the object is.

Lol just fixed it. My mesh wasn’t the root and now that I made it root its all good.