PhAT does not properly handle scaled rigs

Steps to solve this issue


  1. Set the Unit to Metric and the Unit Scale to 0.01
  2. Scale the Mesh 100 times larger.
  3. Select all bones (not the Rig, but the bones) and scale them 100 times larger.
  4. Select both Rig and Mesh.
  5. Export to fbx.

FBX Export properties:

  • FBX 7.4 binary
  • Main->Selected Objects
  • Main->Scale: 1.0 and not using the “Scale all data…” button.
  • Main->Forward: -Z Forward
  • Main->Up: Y Up
  • Main->Both Armat button and Mesh button selected.
  • Geometrie->Apply Modifiers selected.
  • Geometrie->Smoothing: Face or Edge (to avoid the smoothing group warning).
  • Armatures->Only Deform Bones ticked (to avoid unnecessary bones on UE4).
  • Armatures->Add Leaf Bones unticked (to avoid unnecessary bones on UE4).

UE4 Import properties:

  • Skeletal Mesh ticked
  • Import Mesh ticked
  • Import Uniform Scale: 1.0
  • Convert Scene ticked
  • Convert Scene Unit unticked

Those steps allowed us to fix a Rig in order to not have problems with the PhAT.

I hope this will help you!