Pawn <-> Ball collision weird overlap behaviour

This is pure blueprints based on a blank empty project with starter content. There has been no alterations to source or any c++ code.

I haven’t had a lot of time yet, but I am seeing some strange behavior in this project. Before I go any further, can you tell me whether this is a purely Blueprint driven project or if you’ve added any custom c++ to it? Also if you’ve altered source in any way?

On a hunch, I removed all input nodes, MoveForward and MoveRight nodes, and Fire node from Character’s EventGraph. I then went to Project Settings > Input and deleted each of those Inputs. I recreated them, and used them each in EventGraph. Works perfectly now, as far as I can see. It doesn’t even have a problem with WASD keys being mapped to multiple inputs.

Give that a try. It’s possible it’s just remembering things it shouldn’t.

Yeah i guess that should work, but i already had bug disappear in some way, don’t know how that happend, guess by just adding/removing some nodes. Lets just hope it doesn’t come back now. :slight_smile:

Let me know if problem pops back up again. Hopefully it won’t!