Patch game and old save

I must use Check save object on bpsavegam02 success… ?

Now you transfer the properties from the old save into a newly created BP_SaveGame_02 so BP_SaveGame_02 has 3/9 chests.
Then when you save the new BP_SaveGame_02!

how do i do this? just create a new save object from bpsavegame02?

ahh I didn’t see that you were using a marketplace plugin that is handling game saving!
In this case I can’t be certain how this plugin performs the save but ideally yes, you could just create a new SaveGame object.

If you are a beginner to unreal engine / coding, these all-in-one plugins can look promising but the hard part is that once you pick one, you are really limiting yourself. If patching isn’t built into the plugin, you are going to have to learn more about unreal’s saving system yourself in order to make patching possible. This means reading ue source code, ue docs, ect, until you are able to implement patching. Sorry, this probably isn’t what you want to hear :frowning: