PaperZD State machine and Event system extension for Paper2D

PaperZDAnimNotify_Base: GetDisplayName()
PaperZDAnimSequence: PaperFlipbook, DisplayName

Ok thanks, will fix them and upload the hotfix when Epic finishes the update, so i don’t lose my place on the queue

Version 1.2.1 Hotfix Uploaded (pending build on marketplace)

-Fixed issues pointed by @anonymous_user_2859ff1c , thanks a lot!

Updated to version 1.2.2:

-Fixed bug that crashes the editor when duplicating an AnimBP.

-Fixed bug that wouldn’t let an AnimBP be moved.

-Fixed bug that would crash the AnimBP, if any of you souls dared to use a duplicated AnimBP.

  • We also added an scrollbar to the AnimSequences on the Animation Editor, because it seems no one besides us has a 10 meter long computer screen, and is required

any ETA on conduits?

Conduits will most likely be on the next patch, which will be delivered roughly mid june.
We’re right now working on Creature2D support for skeletal animations and characters that can use the animbp without having to be a PaperCharacter itself, but they cannot be a part of the marketplace build due to them needing external modules and plugins, so they will most likely be released as a git addon/plugin.

sorry for the delay, had some issues with critical errors on duplications of the animBP that took a lot of time to fix, so they took precedency.

Also, we decided to open a trello/roadmap with the bugfixes and new features, because frankly the forum is not ideal to showcase nor talk about this.

So i’ll be adding a link to the trello pretty soon so each one can see it and vote on the features you would like to see.
The same will apply to our water shader project and any other projects that will arise in the future.

Thanks and sorry for the delayed response!

Well that does explain why I had issues moving an animbp a while back I think I just deleted it and made a new one since I hadn’t done anything yet though. Fixing bugs should always come first I say.

Yes, it was a bug that eluded our testing, no excuses there, unit testing will be stronger now.
It took some time to discover too, because i just had 1 bug report from a user for something apparently unrelated. It ended being the same error, but dialed to 11 in those specific conditions.

Guys, i have just created a Roadmap for further PaperZD development. We have reached the point on where more updates would most likely be community driven (as in, ideas that come from the community), besides our own project that usually finds use cases needed for the plugin.

the link is:

So any of you guys who want to check out the state of development is free to join us there.

We’re also considering on creating a discord channel for our studio (that would hold our FFT Ocean, PaperZD and Game discussion), if any of you is interested on having direct connection with us, feel free to ask us.


We also opened a discord channel for discussions on this and all our projects… if you want quick answers we recommend going there.


When I tried to join the server using the discord app it said the invite was expired.

Hey there @TerrorMedia , you’re absolutely right, i changed the link but forgot to update this post with the Permanent one.

I’ll also update the post, thanks a lot!

Guys!, We’re also part of the Unreal Marketplace Sale, PaperZD is 30% off. Now it’s the time to get it!.

It’s too expensive.
Can you reduce the price to 15 $?

Can I ask you to consider how much it would cost to make it yourself?

This asset it already great value at full price, let alone with the current discount!

I’m worried about is that epic will update the paper2d function in the future, which will conflict with your plug-in.

Heya! this plugin took about 3 full time month from an engineer to:

  • Read all the source from unreal engine.
  • Understand it (there’s absolutely no documentation about engine source code), let alone about the Graph Editor inner functions, even less on the Custom Compiler needed to work.
  • Code it.
  • Maintain and update it (ongoing).

That’s about a $6000 investment we made (based on market price), so we believe 50$ it’s pretty cheap.

The plugin is already on sale with $15 off, so you can buy it now if it fits your budget, but we won’t be lowering the cost more than that.

If paper2d is updated (hopefully), we will update our plugin, we have been updating and maintaining the plugin since version 4.15 and always fixing issues as they appear (given that our own game uses PaperZD).

Hope that answer your questions, feel free to PM me if you have any questions that i can answer.

P.S. Thanks [USER=“43755”]Chris Wilson[/USER] !

For anyone interested, we’re creating a showcase section on our webpage and gathering interesting projects that are using our plugin for that.

If you are creating something awesome and want to be part of our showcased team, please send me a PM with info of your project, link to your page and a picture.

Thanks a lot!

P.S. @anonymous_user_2859ff1c AnimConduit development started, will be completed after the weekend, after due testing. Details can be seen on the Trello, but for the moment we will create the animconduit as if, and then concentrate on how to modify it for the AnimTransition to make sense there

Will this plugin have BUG when I pack the game?
Now, I think I can buy this plugin.
What is the latest version of the UE4?

Hey, i already answered on discord, but will put an answer here for other people to check it out.

Will this plugin have BUG when I pack the game?
It shouldn’t, we have tested the plugin A LOT, but there’s only a finite amount of testing permutations that we can do. Nevertheless we prioritize bugs when they do appear. As a general rule though, we don’t go selling things we know won’t work.

What is the latest version of the UE4?
The latest ue4 version, as of now, is 4.19. If you mean the plugin version, there’s a “info” section on the plugin page that precisely explains which version each plugin is available for.
