Discovery Paid Promotion Tabs: Creative Map/Island Display Program

Can we get a paid advertising section for creators to advertise their maps/islands under the discover section and/or on the home page? Pretty Please :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for your time,
*I feel this will benefit everyone, especially people who have really creative maps that aren’t known or have been seen before. Thank you so much for your time reading this, I feel it will benefit Fortnite and Individual Island Creators.

Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

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Could call the tab:

  • “Paid Promotions”
    *With its own tab in the Discovery section :wink:


  • Rated [E] Paid Promotions with genre subcategories?
  • Rated [E+] Paid Promotions with genre subcategories?
  • Rated [T] Paid Promotions with genre subcategories?
  • High End Island Paid Promotions (*10-25 cents a play session, If linked from Advertisement)?
    with genre subcategories?
    *Maybe meet quality assurance for the High End like Epic’s Picks?
    **But will be easier to achieve?
    **Will be more exclusive? Kinda like Epic’s Picks?

Cost Perhaps:

  • [Free] thumbnail/name Views
  • [5-10 cents] a Click/View Details/Lobby load?
  • [5-10 cents] a Play Session? If linked from Advertisement.
  • *So its not overpopulated?
    **Could make multiple Paid Promotions sections under the Discovery Tab so it’s not overpopulated, with different prices?
    ***Epic’s Picks is FREE advertising/Promotion via quality assurance/qualified.
    So why not allow a/many Paid Promotions sections?

For Advertisements:

  • Could rotate per view time per user with a timer display? Settings?: (10-120s)
    **Instead of having sub-categrories on top display (Not scrollable)
    **or within sub-categories as well
    **So people just wanna watch it and scroll kinda like TV :p, especially if it’s set to Free overviews


  • Will help everyone out who wants to be seen :slight_smile:
  • Fortnite may make a lil bit of extra $$$ :0’