So, you basically first step, is to learn how to do add code to your ue4 game.
Once you have that, and the code compile, then you have 2 options. The most simple one, is to create a blueprint Function library.
Learn how to create a simple blue print node. Maybe a int++;, that will take a int variable type, and increment it by 1. What you think can do.
Then, with that, you gotta go ahead and read this guide until the Look at First Step with Steam section. So you get the Steamworks stuff working and running in your game.
With that, you just need to include the steam_api.h in your blueprint library cpp class
#include "ThirdParty/Steamworks/Steamv132/sdk/public/steam/steam_api.h"
So you can make use of the Steam api calls.
With that done, then you can create your own blueprint node. Something like
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Steamworks")
bool UYourBlueprintlibrary::ActivateSteamOverlayToURL(FString FullURL) {
if (SteamUser() != nullptr)
return true;
//Steam not initialized
return false;