Open the Steam Service using console command

This requires programming to create a blueprint node that can do so.

This documentation talks about the Game Overlay.

You don’t need any callbacks or call results from steam to trigger them, so if you follow this guide, you should get an idea on how to create a blueprint node to bring the steam overlay, and to set the steam web browser to a specific url.

Look at First Step with Steam.
I’d do some changes to prevent crashes.

if (SteamAPI_Init())
  const char* name = SteamFriends()->GetPersonaName();
  GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5, FColor::Red, name);


if (SteamFriends() != nullptr) //Check that the Steam Pointers are initialized previously
  FString SteamName = SteamFriends()->GetPersonaName();
  UE_LOG(LogSteamworks, Log, TEXT("Steam Name of User: %s"), *SteamName);

I read somewhere that SteamAPI_Init() will try to recreate steam when you read it, so just checking the steam pointers are populateed should be enough. I think.
UE_LOG doesnt depend on the editor and is much better to print logs of what you are doing.

From the Steam API, what you are looking for is this

SteamFriends()->ActivateGameOverlay("Community");     //const char *pchDialog     //Check the Steam Api for more Options.


SteamFriends()->ActivateGameOverlayToWebPage("");       //const char *pchURL

How to create a blueprint Library.

If you want to pause the game when the steam overlay comes up, it’s more complicated, and involves more programming, but luckily for you, I struggled with that for a month and a half, and after I won, I wrote a throrough guide on how to achieve this.

Hope this helps.