I would love a UE / UEFN modeling tools Office Hours!
I’ve been enjoying experimenting with 3D modeling tools in UEFN, and I can accomplish a lot intuitively. But I’m only using a small fraction of the tools because there are just so many and it’s hard for me to know which ones are most relevant for me. Also I know that my workflow could be improved. I’ve found some YouTube tutorials for Unreal 5 modeling but there just isn’t much public content out there for it yet. Personally coming from Core I’m used to creating and texturing my art assets inside of the game engine where I can immediately test how they fit into the map. I prefer to work this way, and maybe others would like this method too.
Some creators are used to other modeling programs like Blender and Maya, and others are starting from scratch, so ideally Office Hours could have tips for both types. Even creators who opt to import models from other 3D modeling platforms might benefit from an overview of UEFN’s tools for UV editing and mesh optimization. Or creators who use UEFN’s modeling tools for whiteboxing.
For example, when whiteboxing, if you create copies of the same box shaped Unreal mesh to make all of your walls, you can change scaling and rotation of the walls independently but if you make changes to one wall using the modeling tools (like to boolean out a window) the change will appear across all walls that are based on the same mesh. So first you need to deinstance that one wall by using the Mesh Duplication tool. (I don’t know if deinstance is the right word for it but that’s how I think of it.) It took me a while to discover this and until I did it was pretty frustrating.