Odium Studios is Looking for a Team

Hey All. I’m looking for a few people to join me in developing a game. I own my own studio and have been doing freelance work on the side. So, this would start as a rev-share/collaboration, however, if funding becomes available it will transfer into a paid role (sorry, currently the studio is just starting up so funds are low). I have worked on a number of solo project games, and a few team devs. A lot of them were a bit overzealous, which is fine as long as there is the dedication. I spend every day/night doing this, so I don’t stop making stuff. I do not expect others to have the same time allowance. But, I do expect some degree of productivity on a regular basis. I am a fairly laid back guy and understand everyone has a life outside this and not everyone made it their life, like I have.

About Me

I am trained as a 3D modeler and Level Designer. I have spent the last 8 years learning how to code in Unreal and have since been able to program most things on my own. I love teams, and team dynamics. I love to talk about dev and just regular, every day things. Recently, I have officially opened my studio (Odium Studios), and it is now bringing in an income from my freelancing. I am hoping to get a game under it’s banner soon, as I have a few that were in the works, but lack of people made it hard to complete. I am open to ideas on games to develop with you. I always keep an ear open and suggestions don’t get dismissed right away. I am highly passionate about game development.

What Kind of Games Do I Like:

I love almost all games, however, when it comes to development there are a few that stand out. Some are overzealous genres but, with the right people, and the right concept it can be done. So, with that said, I will add them anyways.

My top games are:

  • 4X
  • Management Games
  • Zoo/Theme Park Builders
  • Point and Click Adventures
  • Horror Games
  • Side Scrolling
  • Stylized Artstyles and Photorealistic

I DO NOT like FPS, but I don’t mind FP perspective games. The shooter genre is overcrowded and competition will crush us. I have produced in part some degree of game in all the above category, as well as in the survival and action and RPG categories.

What Game Do I Suggest?
This will depend on the people who are interested (if any). I am flexible, however, I wouldn’t mind producing a Point and Click Adventure with hand drawn characters, etc. In any case, for me, story is pinnacle. If there is no story and no real draw to the story, then it will not be something I can do and be happy with.

So, What I am Looking For (1 or 2 people that fill one of the following skill sets)
I am looking for enthusiastic individuals of different skills to join in with me to create a game. Again, depending on the interest, the requirements for people may change:

  • Any 2D or 3D Artist can do well enough, depending on skill level
  • An extra programmer may help to speed up the core design
  • Storyline Designer can be something that could be useful

Reach out to say hey, get to know me, see what I like before you decide if you want. My door is always open. I am easily accessible on discord: viking.odiumstudios OR my odium studios discord

You can view some of the projects I have done a bit of, and marketplace assets on the Odium Studios Youtube or Website

Hope to hear from some of you at least :stuck_out_tongue: