NPC Spawner Device & Custom Character Workflow Feedback Thread

How I haven’t noticed my mesh havent physics assets… :man_facepalming: thank !

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We have a physics asset but our character still can’t be hit by bullets, but they can be hit by explosions ans sticky grenades stick to them (?). Are there any special setup considerations besides the physics asset? We’re using a completely custom, non-humanoid creature if that makes any difference (ie. no connection to Fortnite characters skeletons, physics, etc.)

Anyone else having issues with custom type npcs facing the wrong way after players get eliminated near them?

hey there!

maybe is the non humanoid part? I have a humanoid with physics setup and it does take hit, they only dont collide with each other yet… I would recommend setting up a humanoid working one so you can compare and isolate the problem. Hope that helps.

Have you tried assigning Physics Asset to your Skeletal Mesh (custom character)?
In my case, assigning Physic Asset in my Skeletal Mesh does the job for enabling the damage of the gun

I used non-humanoid with custom skeleton, and it’s working just fine after I assigned the Physics Asset on it. You should see blue collider encapsulate your model on the preview. Also, you need to set the each bone to Enable Collision (both query and physic)

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Hello, I’ve been working a lot with the custom NPC behavior and NPC spawners lately and here’s what I’ve noticed :

  1. The Elimination results are not being sent through the Eliminated Events, I can’t get any function subscribed to them to fire. I was able to work around this by subscribing to the damage events and checking for 0 or less health, and this method works fine.

  2. The editables in my custom NPC behaviors verse seem to not be working correctly. Initially it seems like I can set some things correctly, but many others have had failures that I’ve had to find workarounds for for reasons unknown to me. For instance, I was unable to correctly read a property being updated on my game manager, which my npc behavior had access to at spawn - the data being read was the game manager’s original data, before it had changed at runtime. The workaround seemed to be to find the game manager by tag rather than by editable. This has been the case with several issues so far.

  3. The wildlife behavior still runs in the background behind the custom NPC behavior script, to an extent. I think this is a good thing; after my custom NPC behavior script is done running, rather than just stand around, the NPCs revert to the OG wildlife behavior. I’ve also noticed that my NPC behavior can be interrupted and the OG wildlife behavior takes priority in certain cases. It doesn’t hurt my game, but I can see how this could be an issue for some who wanted very specific functionality. An example of this is some of my NPCs that are set to move from point to point along a custom navigation path - if the wildlife with my custom NPC behavior are attacked, they sometimes abandon my script and instead revert to their vanilla coding.

  4. I was thinking it would be really useful to be able to access the NPC spawner that the custom NPC behavior script comes with. When placing a custom NPC behavior script device, it appears as an npc_spawner_device in the editor, but npc_behavior does not have any reference to the npc_spawner_device that it is tied to.

  5. The ‘Despawn when disabled’ logic on the NPC spawner device doesn’t seem to be working. In fact, I can’t get any kind of Despawn All functionality to fire off. There are several places I’ve tried; in verse, with DespawnAll(), and in the editor, by checking ‘despawn when disabled’ on the NPC spawner. Also in verse with EliminateCreatures() tied to creature_spawner_devices, I couldn’t get that to fire either. - edit, EliminateCreatures() seems to be working (although it does not always work 100%)

Overall I’m having a blast working with everything that is available and am really looking forward to seeing what kind of other functionality is coming next. I’ll continue to post here with any other findings or feedback I have.

Also, a character_definition type and ability to change it at runtime for an npc_spawner_device would do me absolute wonders :sweat_smile:
