Non-PBR Content on Marketplace is wasting my money!

Well, perhaps I expressed myself a bit wrong. I dont mean the Marketplace should have low quality items. What I ment was that in my opinion an item on the Marketplace doesnt always need an example map. Or not everybody needs materials to be PBR. Doesnt mean the quality is lower, its for a different type of game/project.

Suppose I dont want to create a blueprint for opening a door my self(besides its simple to make, just as an example). Currently a simple bluescript like that is not allowed on the Marketplace. It has to be in a pack with an example map, different kind of doors, sliding doors, garage doors and all kinds of features and whatever. But I just want that bluescript for opening a door. I’m not going to buy that big pack, its too expensive for what I need(even though the pack has a good price for whats in it).

I think what I’m trying to say is: allow smaller/single items without all the checks by Epic and let the community rate items. I’m willing to gamble a buy if its only 2 EURO, but not if its 173 EURO(I’m not saying the pack is not worth 173 EURO!!!). And if I like the 2 EURO buy, I still might buy the 173 EURO pack because i’ve seen the quality.

yeah, some subcategory marks would be definitely great. I need also low-poly stuff for RTS with performance-friendly materials, but I think I will never get e.g. good very low poly human characters… I nearly bought this semi-arid package (was not really essential), maybe it would have been okay for my purposes. :slight_smile: this is mainly a question of target genre/platform, so again, more information would be better.

Something I think would help matters a lot is to put in a rating system of some description. Lock it to only users that have at least 50 posts or something to prevent spam or dummy accounts from being used, and let the packs that don’t have proper setups or that have major issues just go down. If something stays at 3 stars or below for an extended time, maybe consider talking to the dev to fix the issues. If it’s down to 1 star and there’s heavily negative feedback about the pack just flat out not working or having issues (like a blueprint that won’t compile, or completely non-pbr content) consider removing it from the market entirely until it’s resolved.

Also, maybe consider adding a sub-forum specifically for items already on the marketplace, for people to discuss them. This would let people ask questions about the pack and hopefully get an answer from those who already have it, and let the users and content creator get a dialogue going with what they want to see out of it. Ideally, if there are major issues with it, you would be able to get a response about it through this as well.

It’s clear you want this to be a curated store, which I fully support, but you need to have very strict guidelines as to what gets on it, especially when some packs sell for $80 or higher. That is no small investment to gamble on a pack that might not be up to the standard you’re hoping for. The higher the quality of the assets on the store on average, the more valuable the store becomes, and the higher quality new submissions will need to live up to as a result to compete.

imo the low poly stuff and/or non-PBR i just want it well writen in the description what the pack contains.

Even with pbr mat. People rarely buy anyway.

I would suggest some quality review process by epic before anything goes on the marketplace. I have bought a few things too that were falsely described and I thought, well, lets just hope I’m lucky. This shouldn’t be the case. The reviews help sometimes but frankly they only help because somebody has wasted his money already and was good enough to warn the rest of us.

Guys, you bumped a 3 year old thread without adding much to the conversation.

The market is in a very different place than it was 3 years ago, create a new thread if there’s something you need to discuss.

Hello All - Apart from the Content (UnReal is my first Graphics Engine) - I find there is a lack of Documentation (a few pictures of how Nodes connect) isn’t up my level of programming.
The Engine is Great (that’s obvious) however the Lack of Information on What Nodes do (Not including Plug-ins that I purchased).
With such a Low community support - This Engine will not cut it for making a full program (and I was starting with a Simple Rest Server Data) - Even the Json and Http packages are difficult to use.

I will use the Unreal for ScreenShots and Nice Renders. Scripting and Programming are beyond my ability in this Engine.

Stop bumping such old threads…

Your experience with marketplace might be like that, but it is not a true representative what happens with others. There are people that live from the money they make out of the marketplace.
These same people are active in the community, contribute answering questions with their years of knowledge, contribute testing new engine previews, contribute even at the source code level within different areas, this means in the end: they care for the engine because they rely on it.

Giving poor comments regarding the engine is a diservice for yourself and for the others.