NEW Animations and Weapon Updates from Ironbelly Studios

Thanks Ironbelly - Got it working :wink:

Is there a shooting animation planned for the Revolver pistol? Shouldn’t the cylinder rotate each shot?

Hey @thankstipscom, that’s a good question. It’s not an update we have planned atm, but its definitely something we could look into for the future! Did you notice we added muzzle flash?

Oh cool. Is it avail on UE4 yet as an update? I’ll be able to swap out my generic ones for your specific ones!
A shooting anim would be very good. I thought I was missing something considering the other pistols have shooting animations and the coolest one, seeing the cylinder rotate per shot is missing!

Anyway, good stuff. Keep it up.

While you are doing update stuff with animations, I got a couple of suggestions here - Was going to get these but backed off when I saw what happened to these poor guys thumbs D:



Hey @docjor, thanks for posting these. The thumbs still there, but I see what you’re saying. It’s something we will take a look at while we’re fixing up some other things.

Hey @thankstipscom the updates are pretty much all submitted, and will be pushed through to anyone who has already purchased one of our weapons :slight_smile: