NEW(3/22/2024) UE5.5+ feedback: Please Invest In Actual PERFORMANCE Innovations Beyond Frame Smearing For Actual GAMES.

Really quick can you edit the post and use “Hide details” on pictures

Just highlight the pics, press the gear button, hide details and bam

Clean af.

You gotta stop using Nanite. Even if the meshes are not over 15k tris, It adds overhead.

Make LODs and keep quad overdraw from showing heavy green or above high lighting by keeping tri count lower in those areas. A sprinkle of green is fine but nothing dense.
How I like to do LODs is use wireframe view or quad overdraw, zoom out, when the mesh becomes too dense in color or to green in quad overdraw, make another LOD, repeat until the last LOD is 60 tris.

Also use the distance evaluate WPO.
This is how the Fortnite team did it. Even before Nanite.
Nanite has even worse performance with WPO.

Read the entire tree section.

That is probably another thing killing your VSM perf.

Also stop using TSR, it’s not meant for native res/too expensive and it ignores foliage motion vectors.

Use Epic TAA with frameweight .1 from 3 with 2 to 4 samples.
You will get a VERY clean output with much cheaper ms timing.

Follow everything I just said. You’re going to get +60fps at native 4k with the 3090.

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