Make this aware to whatever developers you feel are in the correct positions to bring this back: Tesselation needs to come back, desperately
After Epic’s long parades promoting Nanite as a faster pipeline, Nanite has been demystified for THOUSANDS of consumers AND developers thanks to the most in-depth video covering it to date by Threat Interactive
As studios progress in knowledge and needs for development, hardware tessellation is a HARDWARE feature that being completely wasted by UE5 and current games. If studios want to increase polygonal desisity for next generation detail while taking advantage of successful quad rendering, phong and PN tessellation is an easy trick that UE5 rips away.
Traditional tessellation is faster by allowing allows higher level of optimization and allows developers to not be STUCK with VSM rendering, or nanite’s x2 slower per pixel shading cost. There are developers who need plugin support, newer UE5 features but REFUSE to butcher performance with Nanite. So LODs and meshes take a polygonal look on high end hardware when they could have had access to traditional tessellation for a quick relief to geo detail.
And a bonus request, allow developers to enable modified nanite(reduced functions like streaming, compression etc) like rendering on LODs since distance LODs crush quad rendering and nanite software rendering is a faster in those cases.