Need help with account registering server

For testing purposes you can just generate your own self signed SSL cert anyways, you don’t need a real certificate unless you plan to launch.

yeah but i had one anyway so why not.

The biggest minus to those webservice stuff is that it is mostly one way. You send a request and get a reply. Now imagine you want to notify the client of something, wich is not possible using thise One-Way-System

I got a JSON API Engine with data transfer back and forward, if you mean the server to tell the game to do something out of the blue yeah that’s going to be tricky (if not heavy laggy) then you would need something like a TCP server implantation or something different like a RETHINKDB kinda system but that also keeps a constant connection between Client and DB (If you wanne do something like Database related). Example leader board update when value’s in the database change, but you could also do a interval and request the data from the database, what a lot of game do have a refresh button or a refresh backend that the leaderboard only refreshes let’s say 1 - 5 minutes to keep the database overflow minimal i mean there are so many ways you could things it all depends on the things you wanne do.

Glad You got it working @ThunderWolf456 all i can say is just keep in mind that SSL makes is fairly secure on the server side not on the client side you could still fish out the data you send between the client and the server.

Would anyone mind making some sort of tutorial for just simple database interaction that can create login info, and can tell you if your info is correct? Haven’t really seen any and it would help lots of people, that way we could look at existing logic and figure out the rest ourselves.

If you have a chat system you could send out notifications through that with a server login pretty easily. Thats how the majority of multiplayer games send notifications to users. But you could also tweak the actual display of it so that if a message is received by a certain user (server admin) that it displays in big red writing on the top middle of the screen instead of the chat window, or something to that extent anyways.

The JSON query plugin should have a tutorial for this available im pretty sure. There is the DB connection stuff available in UE4 but I haven’t looked into that yet so im not sure if it’s got any kind of blueprint nodes so may require some coding.

How would you notify a certain client with just a web backend like rest, without polling in a certain interval?

If you are running a chat system already then you would have it polling most likely unless you have setup a TCP/IP ping from the server itself to notify the client rather than the client hitting the server, but you could always use sockets instead to remove the polling since you are creating a 2 way connection when you have sockets so information just updates. This is how you do live chats on a website etc, this will handle something like 90 000 concurrent connections from memory. Not sure if anybody has linked this up with UE yet though

Do you know how can i make it more secure client side?

The creator of the VaRest plugin is looking into building in a encryption. the way i’m planning on doing it (it’s working on the server side but haven’t build anything for the unreal engine) is asymmetric cryptography.

What this while do is when you start up the game or a client start the game. tells the server Hi. i need a public key. when the client receives the client key it saves it. then your login UMG popups to login. or register don’t really matter. the message gets encrypted with the public key and gets send to the server api on your Auth server the server de-crypts (with a private key only available on the server) the server will know what to do. the server then encrypts his message with a private key and send the info back to the client, the client then decrypts with the public key. my english is not one of the best but if you wanne know more about this tech. check this out.

This system is used in SSL aswell problem with SSL is it’s server side ONLY some people forget that. SSL is only server side and checks if the message really comes from the client when doing a action. and encrypts the action. this is only server sided anything on the client side is still plain text.

Pulling or Intervals always makes it laggy or doing a certain job just for nothing. and no this is not how most multiplayer game work i have seen a couple of systems that use the same system that is build into UE4. Now imagine your doing a game MMORPG what some ppl still try (It’s not impossible depends what you think of the MMO tag) this interval would cause a lot of problems. and of course there is always solutions and tricks to make things work like cache layer, multiply node servers, build in relay server (Like RethinkDB)

I’m not claiming to be a expert, just talking out of programming experience

Also a tip i can give you or anybody else that’s doing this kind of development.

Always create a ERD at all times, register or login or game database always create a ERD for each subject this way if you have other people joining your team or people starting to work on stuff you created they don’t have to look into your messy code and figure out how it make any sense also if you make changes, change your ERD so it make sense to your self, a lot of programmers or studio’s create a ERD before hand so you know what your work flow is.

If your not sure what a ERD is i while just give you a small input into it. Basicly ERD “Entity Relationship Diagram” is a flowchart for charts that have a relationship like databases.

We use ERD’s for a lot of development Client side and Server side and it had a lot benefits.

Vizio is handy for this.

You mean Visio, yeah i have used it it’s not my favored but you could use something like has a lot more then Visio and it’s free. all depends there are good free other products but i’m not going to link them just google around.