Nature Environment in UE4

Hello guys! is my first post here, and I would like to show you my game project called City of Souls.
It’s a horror game located in the fictitious city of Svoboda near to Chernobyl in Ukraine.

Here are some images from the prototype. These images doesn’t depict the final result, that I expect to be 2x better graphically at least :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll post some photos from the grass I’m making for the game, using the tips that were shown here.

Please forgive me for my horrible english, it’s not my native language

Here is a screenshot from the grass I’m creating for the game. It was made using 3ds , baking the geometry to a texture atlas and applying it to individual planes.

I’m using the basic grass shader posted by the .Thümmler with some adaptations.
Many thanks man! :smiley:

Hi many thanks again for the incredible tutorials and reference you have provided to help me out but i am still confused on the player touchbending stuff. I have the material setup exactly like you have it and i watched that UE4 video on BP and parameters but its so confusing to me. Any you can upload a screenshot of your material parameters and blueprint that controls the playerbased touchbending?

-Also how did you get your Y- and X- to be negative values, my vector parameter will only accept 0-255.

-Also side note what would be the best way to control vegetation being affected by explosions? Like say i throw a grenade close to a tree and the whole tree then sways?

New technology for grass simulation by NVIDIA: https://developer.nvidia/turfeffects


I will play with normals later today to get that results, love sss and how it looks but it kills performance especially when shadow casting is on.

my take on grass :slight_smile:


For large Landscape is true. A good soultion is to fake with a TexCoord to Gradiant Alpha(maybe DistanceBlending).

Isn’t better to use a “SimpleGrassWind” node from performance point of view?

Does distance blending increase performance? dont pixels still evaulate the full shader with mults? Or does it discard the SSS calculation in that part of the blend?

From the point of the amount of nodes it is better to use the “simplegrasswind” :slight_smile:

Another way is shown in video:

The SimplegGassWind function have many more nodes.

Ah, yep, now I see it. I looked at the interactive foliage material :smiley:

Do we know if UE4 will support ? It looks like EXACTLY what I’ve been wanting for a long time now.

Foliage shading model in November

! Now we all have to vote for it :smiley:

Done and done!

Yeah I noticed a few days ago when it was first put up on Trello and voted right away, there is also a second Foliage here:

Hierarchical Foliage Culling & LOD

Vote for that one too while you’re at it! :wink:

Nice! Voted for it :wink:

Finally some foliage improvements points on the trello list :slight_smile:

The months in Trello do not mean it’ll be done then, just that someone at Epic might be working in November on it. Also, there’s no year specified either…


When it first was posted it said November and December, hopefully that means it turned out to be easy enough to wrap up in a month(?).
We’ll see when it arrives though.
Really nice to see that all the nagging we’ve all been doing paid off. :cool: