Nanite Performance is Not Better than Overdraw Focused LODs [TEST RESULTS]. Epic's Documentation is Dangering Optimization.

Multiple things here.

you keep using the same arguments over and over again, even though i and multiple other people debunked them multiple times.
With proof.

I would even go so far to say that you did not provide any valid evidence at this point, while multiple people proved you wrong.

I am not interested in being part of your Main post. I am rather trying to stop you from spreading uninformed misinformation.

My scenario was the best benchmark you had in this thread so far. It was a full, detailed game with over 200 individual meshes and VR rendering (which is by default more demanding than normal rendering.)
It was by far a limited benchmark.

We used TAA purely as a style choice, to achieve a clean and „dreamy“ image. We could have had it removed anytime due to the use of upscalers.

Also lets be real for a second.
TAA and Upscaler issues don’t matter for the average consumer…
Thats why i don’t get why you are opposing them so fiercely…

Ask an average gamer who is not a graphics nerd or a journalist.
They will not even notice small frame inconsistencies caused by these techniques.
All they care about is a clear Image and a high framerate. Which both can achieve.

We ran multiple playtests on the gamescom with non VR Games, where we asked other players, if they noticed anything weird about the graphics. (Because we had the same oppinion as you)
The only people criticising TAA and upscalers were other developers.

The average player was saying: „The image looks very clean, like a camera recording“. (TAA)
They did not even notice upscalers.

We as developer live in a bubble. We see the problems caused by these techniques and blow them up way too much.
TAA has issues, but they don’t matter for the average consumer.
And on the contrary both of these techniques excell at their task.
TAA produces a smooth image and upscalers improve the performance drastically.

So please get your oppinions from your customers and not from other developers. Because at the end, the customers opinions are what matter.