Nanite performance is not better than LODS [TEST RESULTS]. Fix your documentation Epic. You're dangering optimization.

I’m more or less convinced that this is not an engine for games anymore

Just don’t use UE5 specific technologies. I’ve seen a lot of porting test from UE4 to UE5(meaning no other changes to settings just engine, no Lumen enabled or Nanite conversion) and they showed performance boost with UE5.

It’s just that Nanite(and it’s VSMs), TSR and Lumen(if your game isn’t 100% static) are incredibly wasteful for performance.

Mixed feeling on Lumen, it would be fine if it had more caching a baking but all other lighting solutions are terrible in UE if you have basic interactions and realism in mind.

But you should still vote for the Thread asking for more performance centered designs for unreal.

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