MultiWorld - Run different worlds in parallel with the option to transfer players and actors

Hi! The new version 1.2.0 of MultiWorld is now available in the UE Marketplace (for UE4.26 and UE4.27). It introduces few improvements to the customisable visual transitions effects and some important bug fixes.


Version 1.2.0

New features:

Bug fixes:

  • If no Audio Device Manager is detected, all Secondary Worlds will share the same audio device of the Main World (thanks to Luben for the report).
  • Fixed UWidgetComponent appearing also as 2D widgets on screen when switching the Active World (thanks to lovewater for the report).
  • Fixed missing calls when closing a Secondary World (in particular: EndPlay() on actors and flushing of streamed levels).
  • Render Target textures used by UMultiWorldSeamTransition are now properly resized if the viewport size changes between distinct transitions.