MultiWorld - Run different worlds in parallel with the option to transfer players and actors


Of course there are technical reasons for deferring the deletion of a World, otherwise we would have deleted it directly :slight_smile: Basically when you call the EndWorld() method, you could be inside a Tick() callback of the same world, and the UE4 engine doesn’t support deleting the world in this scenario.

It’s not clear if this is your case, but if you’re trying to have multiple instances loaded at the same time of the same Secondary World, then you must follow the instructions documented here.

If instead your use-case is something like: LoadWorld(X), DeleteWorld(X), LoadWorld(X), then it could be a bug or a use-case that must be further investigated. In this case please provide the following:

  • the complete UE4 log file of the crash (including the stack trace <- important);
  • the snippet of code causing the crash (if it happens in a particular method/blueprint of your game).

If you prefer, you can send the information at .