MultiTouch support for Windows

This is now in progress. The target release is 4.14, but it will be available via source on github probably within the next month after it has been sufficiently tested.

Ya! This makes me so happy!

oww yeah!! <3

great news thanks Frank

Is there by an easy way to check github to see if its been added? Don’t tempt me frodo, cause i will browse through every page of 48k commits.

This is a life-saver. Even the “Use mouse for touch” option occasionally bugs out in Windows 10 when I accidentally use more than one finger on the touchscreen. I’m also interested in when it’s available via github.

Any news on this one yet? I’ve been trying to check the github master and promoted branch to see if it pops up there, but no luck as of yet.

Mobile deployment takes at the very least a couple minutes, making testing multi touch mechanics very time consuming. Being able to use a multitouch monitor/laptop during development would greatly speed things up.

Well it’s coming, we just have to wait for 4.14

This has been implemented, it will release in version 4.14. I will update Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-19347) once the change has been merged from our development branch to the main branch available on GitHub.

Thanks you’re a saint!

Hey Frank , is this added to Githup ? i couldnt find any commit with this tittle on github .

thank you

Sweet, just checked and it has been committed! check: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-19347) also:

Hey everyone, I’m working in Unreal 4 years later and multi touch still is not supported. Also all the links that you have sent in the forms no longer work. Is there anyone that could help me with this? Thanks for you’re time, I’m really excited to get mulit-touch working on my Surface Pro!

It’s supported, I think you just use the touch input stuff that you would normally use for mobile and it’ll work for multi-touch on Windows as well