Multiple damage types and pick up

hmmm well you messed up in few places. in your ammo type yo use you have them both set to the same number so the grenade type will always be used, to fix this change the speed (flipflop A pin track) ammoType set to 0. next the switch on in needs to be its own separate event, how you have it now it will alternate your projectile types everytime you fire, to fix this set it up like i have it in the above picture. next in your ammoPUSpeed BP you are clamping the ammo count to the pickup number, so if you have the pickup number set to 5 then you are setting your max ammo to 5. to fix this disconnect that variable from the max pin and replace it with a speedAmmoCountMax variable from the character.

sorry spaced on the switch part, i changed it (did i miss anything else?).

so how / where do i bring up the max ammo speed count part? did i miss anything else?

i dont see any issues there but the question is does it work.

what do you mean “where do i bring up the maxAmmoSpeedCount part”?