Mouse Cursor not changing until moved

firstly, thanks all of you, Same thing still occurs in UE5.0

I’ve struggled to find this post and tried some solution.


Trying to find a way to set a mouse cursor of a controller,
but the cursor does not change even when the CurrentMouseCursor’s value is changed correctly.(Need a click or some event to make the cursor change in the viewport…)

What I found

  1. There are some other post saying about this(pls refer to Reference)
  2. Happens to find that UWidgetBlueprintLibrary has a function does the exactly same thing.(Which can be called from BP&&Cpp without additional dependency)


  1. void UWidgetBlueprintLibrary::SetFocusToGameViewport() { FSlateApplication::Get().SetAllUserFocusToGameViewport(); }
  2. setting CurrentMouseCursor only works after a mouse click