Modular vehicle [WIP]

wow looks amazing! !

Milestone №1.
All basic components now are ready and I can start to polish existing things and create something interesting.

What’s new:
Health/Damage system
Destroyable vehicles - with ragdoll support
HUD support for vehicle(at this moment it displays health bar)
Materials for destroyed vehicles and aircrafts
Different vehicle movement profiles for “Scythe” and “Discovery”.

Sound support for:
Tires rolling
Gatling gun firing
Turret guns firing
Rocket launch
Bullet impact
Rocket impact

I sent you a PM. I’m interested in a system like this to make custom tanks for our game.

I answered on your message via PM. Current movement component is good for N-wheeled vehicles, but it doesn’t support PxVehicleDriveTank class, so it’s not good for making tanks.

Lots of small improvements and bug fixes:

  • Vehicle now can apply damage to the environment, so, for example, destructible meshes can react on vehicle impacts. Also, vehicle can get damage from impacts too if needed.
  • When player near the vehicle, he can see help message - “Press E to enter the vehicle”
  • Projectiles update: new missile with enemy auto-detection, projectiles now know their initiator, some minor fixes with applying damage(for example missile can make damage to initiator, but bullet can’t).
  • AI now can lose vehicle and projectiles can’t auto-detect enemies, if it activates cloaking field.
  • Detail texture for vehicle master material.
  • Blood particle spawns for characters
  • Disabling physics for vehicle, when stoppers are active(otherwise strange physics behavior may happen, when player firing projectiles from turret pawn)
  • IsDead method was added to EnemyInterface. AI and projectiles checks if an enemy is alive.
  • Separate projectiles for Gatling gun and for anti-air gun with different behavior.

Currently I’m working on railgun module.
This module is harder in development than others, so it will take some time to make it.


More progress on railgun. Next step - rigging and animating.


Rigged and animated.
Now it’s time to import it in UE4 and start working on SFX.

Wow that looks very nice

I wrote a list of implemented features at the top of the thread and will try to keep it updated.

Finally, I finished railgun module.
It took almost a week to complete everything, including models(high and low poly), UVs(for 30 unique parts), rig, animations, textures, sounds, effects and game logic.

Looks good, cant wait for it to get on sale.

Interesting work :slight_smile:

New update:

Grinder/Mine roller
Laser turret
New parts
Cargo Bay
2K44 “”
LUT for post-process volume
Bullet trails for Gatling gun
Bullet trails for AA turret
Laser projectile
Camera zoom
Camouflage support with up to 3 masks.
Laser beam, turret rotate, flamethrower sounds.
Ability to enable/disable pathfinding and anti-stuck navigation subsystem.
Vehicle AI now can follow to the selected actor.
Lots of small bugfixes.

My main headache now is bugs with physics, which I don’t know how to solve (read this for instance: Horrible Car Physics).
For example skeletal meshes as a part of the vehicle can collide with objects, which simulate physics, but can’t collide with those, who don’t. If I’m using collision primitives to fix that, it leads to another bug with a center of mass(Epic made a ticket for that: UE-35184).
So the only working solution is to add collision primitives to the root vehicle physics body, which is not the best solution in terms of modularity.
Another big problem is in unrealistic behavior on impacts with an environment.
If someone can give me any pieces of advice on how to fix that, I will be very happy.

that’s cool…

This is super awesome! It could really make for a cool game where you gotta outfit your vehicle with different parts depending on what mission you want to do, mercenary style!

I decided to make a pause for a few weeks and started to work on another project(Military Ships Pack) due to personal reasons. Right now I don’t feel that I can make a game by using this asset without a team and money. So most likely I will publish this project on UE marketplace, when it will be done.

Hope you do release this somehow, could be super useful for lots of different things

Nice works!

Modular Vehicle successfully passed through Marketplace review process and will be available soon on it.
Now I’m waiting for the final release date.