Hello Pete,
I found this thread while searching answers for a similar issue here, it’s hard to determine what Visual Studio 2013 defaults to as a target, only “Develop…” shows in small window, clicking on it doesn’t display the current selection, just the list. I’m suspecting it defaults to “Development Editor”, since in Editor while packaging I got the “Error Missing UE4Game binary”. Per your instructions I set the target to “Development”, right-clicked UE4 in the right panel, selected Build, which succeeded. I then right-clicked UE4 and selected Debug new instance and this message came up
, so I went ahead and tried to build again. Then this message came up
. I searched how to disable the OculusAudio plugin, and it appears all that takes place in Editor under Plugins, disabled anything Oculus, went back a few steps to rebuild and debug, same results.
Many thanks for helping me sort this out. I’m also attaching here the original Output Log that lead me to setting the target to Environment. Maybe, you see something.[link text][3]
Again, thanks!