Memory leak in 5.2

Ensure is a coding thing. It’s used to “ensure” that a certain condition applies, but it’s not too hard to lead to a crash. It just logs to console and continues. It’s nothing you as a user should worry about because usually in a case like that the engine has enough options to handle the condition. It’s more like a “this shouldn’t happen, but if it happens, I know what to do” thing.

You can try 5.3, maybe it’s better, maybe it’s not. Sometimes developing is related with luck.

Regarding Metahumans, as far as I know they didn’t change from 5.2 to 5.3, only 5.2 was a big update. Also, the 5.0 Metahumans still “worked” on 5.2, just as buggy as they were and of course without the new features. Take all that with a grain of salt, as we didn’t update our project to 5.3 yet.

By the way, the forum software notified me that we could also send DMs to each other, which is something I’d recommend if it gets too offtopic.

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Just wanted to end this discussion bcz I’ve updated to 5.3 and all is good now. No more memory issues. Thanks :wink:

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Just my 2c, I’m on 5.3 and seeing this. I haven’t managed to chase it down, yet, though :frowning:

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5.3 fixed it for me. That’s strange. I hope it gets fixed for you soon.

took one day from me because I thought my own plugin was leaking :expressionless:
it happens with DX12 and VK on most builds. you can run with -dx11 or use r.gpucrash.collectionenable=0 as @sirjofri said.

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This is still happening in 5.3 for me, but only when with metahumans are in the scene.

I had the same problem in 5.2.1 and 5.3.2, i switched the package build to shipping and the memory leak goes away.