Material instance parameters losing values in 4.19

We discussed this in forums and sadly 4.20 is the closest they promised. Our game is currently broken due to this though, others as well. Along with tons of content on ue4 marketplace. It really is disappointing to have to wait ~3 months to see a fix.

Yeah it pretty bad, what i have done is just continue to use 4.19 and when 4.20 comes out ill just copy over my terrain materials from 4.18 so all there data is restored.

Same here, basically not able to use any of our Landscape Material Instances anymore - super critical in terms of meeting deadlines.

Maximum-Dev, Can I get a link to the forum post in which this is being discussed? Thanks!

Well, just adding to the thread that I’m also experiencing this. 90% of my materials are instantiated from a couple of base materials heavily based on Material Functions with parameters inside them. I just can’t upgrade any of my projects to 4.19 without massive rework right now…

4.19.2 fixed this issue!
Thanks for the fast fix.