Manually changing the pivot of an actor

Thanks a lot!

I couldnā€™t find the menu item where the picture shows ā€œSave Pivot to Pre-Pivotā€, all I have in mine is ā€œReset to Pivotā€.

As far as I know it isnā€™t available in the 4.3 -> so take a look at the 4.4, probably they have re-added it there :slight_smile:

Hey All, My TA and I have been working with this and in 4.4 and 4.3 to locate the Pivot Options you need to first be in an Orthographic View and it has to be selected. Then you can right-click on the object whose Pivot Point you want to change or right-click on its Scene Outlines option. Then the Pivot Options will be there. That line is under the Transform line. Hope this helps. Thanks, ProfPooka.

Unless Iā€™m mistaken that works only for BSP brush generated geometry. Are you sure you see this for static meshes as well? (Iā€™m looking at 4.3)

Up this (old) post cause i encounter the problem and itā€™s pretty annoyingā€¦

Pivot is fine in 3DS , FBX export, Unreal Editor 4.8, and no Pivot menu at all no matter the view iā€™m in.
Thanks for any help :slight_smile:

Still no solution??

To change the pivot you now have to do a click + hold with the middle mouse button on the pivot (the small white sphere) + then drag and drop it to the new positon :slight_smile:

I love you!

Does it work for you guys? I can change postition of pivot using click + middle button, but postion is reset when I deselect actor.

To get the pivot point to stay at the changed position, you have to first set the pivot by right-clicking on the object when it is in the scene, then going to ā€œPivot ā†’ set pivot offset hereā€. To keep this as the pivot, and not have it reset, just right-click again on the object (with the new pivot point still showing on the object), then go to ā€œPivot ā†’ Set as pivot offsetā€. This should save the pivot location you chose even if you click off the objectā€¦

Iā€™ve been trying this all day and only just managed to get it to work. I found that after moving the pivot (and actually getting the bloody thing to stay) the rotation of the object was justā€¦ bizarre, it was almost like it was rotating on a spiral. The only solution Iā€™ve managed that worked was to immediately (before doing anything else), convert the bsb to a static mesh. That seems to lock everything into place nicely. Doesnā€™t seem like the most elegant solution but itā€™s the only thing that worked for me.

Please set this up again!

indeed the option to save it has been removed? please add this again?

The feature hasnā€™t been removed, just worded differently. Move your pivot (right click > set pivot offset here) then right click > pivot > set as pivot offset
ā€œset as pivot offsetā€ is the new ā€œsave pivot to pre-pivotā€.

This works now, but as soon as you close your map and reopenā€¦ALL of your pivots you have changed will default back to their original position. Definitely an issue.

You Can Change Pivot Point on BSP or Static Mesh ->


This still doesnā€™t work properly. If you rotate the object in the detail panel it still defers to the original pivot. I set up door open blue print thinking I can just reset it but it refers only to the original pivot location not the one I reset to. Hopefully its something that will be added in the future.

Currently the quickest way is via Pivot tool by marynate (available on the marketplace). Could save you tons of time.

As of 4.16.2

  1. Select Brush
  2. Enter Geometry Editing
  3. Click on Brush Vertices, or the center or a normal
  4. Right-Click on Brush
  5. Select Pivot > Set as Pivot Offset
  6. Select Apply
  7. Go back to Place Mode